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After 6 hour's in the medical wing, and Tony waiting outside while everyone else slept, Bruce walked out of the room.

Tony was already awake, so he saw Bruce. He immediately stood up and asked, "is he- is he good- did it work?"

Bruce sighed and smiled, "it worked, he's fine, He's asleep."

Tony sighed deeply. "Good..can I see him?"

Bruce gave a short nod and with that Tony rushed into the room and saw Peter asleep. He had bruises on his face, was super skinny and look tired. Tony sighed and sat down next to Peter, holding his hand and finally giving a look of relaxation on his face.

"It's a good thing we caught it so early," Bruce said and walked over to the machine he got the blood samples from. He walked back over to Tony and handed him a sheet of paper explaining what he'd found out. "If we didn't get rid of the toxins, he could have died within the week." Bruce said.

Tony let out a sigh. "Good thing." He said.

"...what's the time?" Tony asked, finally realising that he had no idea how long he waited for Bruce to finish.

"It's 5:30am" Bruce said. Tony smiled and asked, "how long has he been asleep?"

Bruce looked over to Peter and squinted his eyes in thought. ", 3 hours. I had to wait for the medicine to work before it was safe for you to come in." He said.

Tony nodded and closed his eyes, resting his head on the side of Peter's bed.

"You good Tones?" Bruce asked.

"Yea yea.." Tony slowly said. "Just resting now.." he said with a smile.

Bruce smiled and got up to leave. He left the room and kept the door open with the lights on. He gave one last look to the two and saw that Tony was already asleep peacefully.

He looked around the hallway and saw that everyone else had slept while he worked on Peter. He saw Nat resting, leaning against the wall opposite the room and sat next to her. As soon as he sat down, Nat raised her arm, fist aimed at Bruce's skull, and used her other arm to grasp at Bruce's neck.

"N- Nat-!" Bruce struggled to say while he was being chocked. Nat realised it was just Bruce and dropped both her arms, wide eyes and looked at Bruce before she apologized. "Oh, Bruce, I'm sorry, that's just- it''s a habit." She said.

"It's ok," Bruce said looking at her and reasurring her that it was ok with a smile. Nat returned the smile before widening her eyes more and pointing to the door. "Is he-" she stated to ask but Bruce cut her off. "He's ok." He said with a smile. Nat sighed and regained her calm composure. She gave a last smile at Bruce before leaning back towards the wall and resting her head on Bruce's shoulder.

Bruce looked down to see Nats ginger hair and smiled. He looked around to see clint staring at him with a smile. "What?" Bruce mouthed to Clint. Clint smiled more and gestured to Nat, then to Bruce. "that!" He mouthed back. Clint fangirled over the two before Bruce looked at Nat one last time before closing his eyes and joining everyone in their peaceful sleep.

(A/N ngl, I loved writing that scene!)


Tony pov (cause we haven't had one in a while.)

I woke up to the amazing smell of pancakes. That past day was exausting. Actually, refresh, that past week was exausting.

I sighed with the terrible memories before finally opening my eyes to see everyone in the medical wing eating pancakes on the floor. They were in a circle and all quietly laughing.

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