A/N again!!! (please read 🔫‼️)

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Hello cool people 🎉 ive always loved Spiderman, but do you ever have something that you love so much that every now and then you don't think about it for a while, until you randomly become obsessed again and you want to eat everything about that thing? That's me rn with spiderman again 😀

I'm going to write another story!! 98% Sure. Just wanted to let anyone who enjoyed this story know, that soon I will be doing another one! I've only got a base idea, so if anyone has anything they'd really like to see like idk, angst if you're into that (although gaurunteed 😭) and maybe like a cameo with Deadpool or a special MCU character that doesn't have a lot of interaction with Peter, or idk anything you want to request, lemme know. Not sure if I'm gonna post chapter by chapter or try and post it when it's all finished so be on the look out lol.

That is all 😭 like I said just comment anything you wish ‼️‼️

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