Chapter One

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Chapter One

"I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful." My boyfriend Brian kisses me gently on the cheek.

"I love you." I whisper into his ear.

"I love you, too." He kisses me one last time on the forehead before walking down the creaking steps that lead back down my stone driveway. "I'll text you when I get home."

I open the front door and walk in. Three men in black stand in the center of my living room. My mother sits at our hardwood kitchen table. "Mom, what's going on?" Panic rushes through me. Two of the three men walk towards me. I back away.

"Scarlet Edwards, you are coming with us." One of them says.

My voice is beginning to shake, "No I am not! What is going on?"

"We will explain that to you and the rest of them when we get to the testing facility."

"Testing facility?" I question.

"No questions will be answered until we get there. We don't want to hurt you but we will if we have to."

"Mom, what's happening?" I turn to my mother who is now wiping the tears from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry." She staggers towards me. She hugs me for a long time and whispers something into my ear. "No matter what happens don't let them break you. Do not let them see that you are scared. You have to be the one they choose in the end."

"What?" I whisper back.

"I love you, remember that. I do not know why they choose you but they did and there must be a reason. Promise me you will come back to me. They already have your sister. Keep each other safe no matter what happens."

"I am not going anywhere with those lunatics!"

"Yes you are." One of the men behind me says.

I scuttle to the door and burst outside. I can still see Brian walking down the street. "Brian, help!" I shriek.

He snaps around and starts running back to me. I begin to run as well. He says something but I can't hear what he is saying, I only hear rapid footsteps behind me. I reach Brian, he stops and a look of confusion crosses his face. "What is going on?" He screams.

"I have no idea, just keep running." I retort.

"Both of you stop! I have a gun and I don't think you want to test me." One of them says. We both stop in our tracks and hold up our hands. "Scarlet! We need you to come with us. And you, what is your name?" I guess he is talking to Brian.

"Brian Davidson." Brian says he tries hard to hide the shake in his voice.

"Well would you look at that, you just saved us a trip. You're on our list as well."

"What do you want with us?" Brian demands.

"You will find out when we get to the testing facility."

"What testing facility?"

They shrug off the question. "Come with us, now."

"Like hell I am!" Brian screams.

The one that first approached me walks up to Brian and holds a gun to his head. "Are you sure about that?"

Brian is quiet as a church mouse. I look up at Brian, he stands strait, the fear in his eyes showing. His face seems pale, lit up by the dim streetlights.

"That's what I thought." The man says.

Brian looks down at me, he has a plan, I'm sure of it. Brian swerves out of the way and I do the same. The man doesn't shoot the gun. He can't shoot the gun, whatever they want with us it's important. We run into the park that was conveniently close by. We know that they are right behind us. I recognize it is not the best hiding spot in the world but I hide behind a thick oak tree. I catch my breath and then try to breathe as quietly as possible.

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