Four Witch Sisters in Training Chapter 11

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Hi fans :)! This story is almost over, I know, SAD FACE! I've had so much fun writing this story. I hate to see it end, but it must. Probably six or five more chapters or less. That's actually a lot haha. Well enjoy!

Four Witch Sisters in Training

Chapter 11

When you take those first steps into the vampire's castle, it's nerve-wracking. I don't think I've ever been this afraid of something, but once I walked into the castle my nerves were controlling me.

Before we walked any further, June turned to me with handcuffs in her hand. I held my arms out for her to handcuff me, waiting for it to hurt, and it did, but only a little. June gave me an apologetic look before she started pushing me towards a rather large wooden door guarded by two heavyweight vampires.

"I'd like to speak to the king and queen. I found one of the element sisters walking around the forest, probably trying to see the competition," June said darkly eyeing each of the vampires.

"That little girl?" Asked the vampire on the right looking curiously at me.

"Yes. I'm afraid I shouldn't say more. The king and queen don't like people talking about the element sisters to vampires. They say the less they know the better before the king and queen know exactly what they're up against."

"Very well then, I'll go see if the king and queen are available."

Both of the vampires opened the wooden door and walked in. June looked at me and nodded her head letting me know to follow along with her plan.

One of the vampires came back in and nodded at us. "They request you come in immediately."

June pushed me into the room, making me fall to the ground with a loud thud. June's getting a little too into this I think.

"Is she alright?" A voice asked worriedly.

I look up to meet eyes with none other than Leon. I haven't seen him for almost a month, but I hardly remember a month ago, those are bad memories I wish to not remember.

"Why would you care if this element sister is alright or not Leon?" Asked June suspiciously. "You aren't going soft again on us are you?"

Bethany appeared suddenly. She looked at me, then at Leon, as if daring him to make a fool out of them in front of the king and queen.

I tore my eyes away from Leon and Bethany to face the king and queen sitting on thrones made out of gold. The king's eyes were red and thirsted for my blood, while the queens purple eyes stared at me curiously to see what I'd do next.

"What brings you here witch?" The king demanded.

"I came here to see if any vampires would be willing to come to the good side to help fight against Be, my sister."

"We've already decided to fight with keep our forest safe. Be is much too powerful to fight against, it would be a suicide mission if we were to help you fight against her."

"When you say we, do you mean all the vampires or just you and the queen?" Before he could answer, I kept talking. "I do have some vampires willing to come to my side, and if you want to be a fair king, I'd advise you to let them come with me."

Bethany let out a grunt in disapproval, but I heard June growl at her, probably telling her to shut her mouth before one of us does it for her.

"Why would the vampires want to help you?" The king asked angrily.

"Because they don't think they'll last in a battle against good. Or maybe they actually want to be good. Either way, they want to fight to save your forest, but kill Be."

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