Four Witch Sisters in Training Chapter 10

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Hey everyone! Are you fans excited for this chapter? This chapter is about $tarr going to the vampire land, and who knows what will happen when vampires are around? Here you go!

Four Witch Sisters in Training

Chapter 10

You would think Landon's wife thinks there is no limit to what I can eat. Right when Landon brought me home she smothered me with potato soup, salad, homemade breads, and for dessert, chocolate cake, apple crumble pie, and vanilla ice cream. Landon's wife was definitely one of the sweetest people I've ever met.  I know she already thinks of me like a daughter even though I've only been staying here for three days.

"Are you sure you want to go over to the vampire side so soon?" Olivia, Landon's step daughter, asked worried.

I paused folding my clothes back into my duffel bag to give Olivia a reassuring smile. "If I don't do it now, I doubt I'll ever have the guts to do it. Besides, I need you to wait for my sisters to come back with their progress reports."

"I still don't understand what you mean by progress reports," Olivia said while french braiding her hair. "You don't like talking about them too much in front of you're worried I might judge them or something."

"I don't think you'll judge them," I protested. "It's just... I don't know exactly what they're doing, especially now since Turner thinks it'll distract me when I go over to the vampire side.'"

Before Olivia could respond her mom, Meredith, walked in smiling brightly holding a tray of pink lemonade and pumpkin cookies. Olivia took one of the pink lemonade glasses and a cookie before turning back to me sharing a knowing smile.

"Alright $tarr," Meredith said looking at me seriously, "Landon says you should get going soon if you want to make peace with the vampires. I told him it isn't safe going by yourself, but he keeps saying they won't believe you're presenting a peace offering if you arrive with someone."

"I know Meredith. I'm nervous knowing this too. I wish I could bring SOMEONE with me, but I guess this is the sacrifice I have to make to save the good side right?"

Meredith handed me a glass of lemonade and a cookie smiling. "I'll finish your packing while you eat a good lunch."

I smiled as I took a huge bite of cookie, and then started to write a letter with my wand. Yes I use my wand for a pen now and days! Good idea right?

Dear Olivia,

I'm writing this to let you know that if I do die when I go see the vampires, that you are a great friend to me and I wish we had more time together before I left for this vampire stuff. My sisters are staying here when then come back from their jobs. If I'm not back by the time they do come back, give them hugs for me please, because we all weren't on the best of terms when we last saw each other. Hope I get to see you soon Olivia.

I folded the note and hid it inside Olivia's pillowcase when she wasn't looking. She'll probably find it later tonight or early tomorrow morning.

"I guess you should get going huh?" Olivia said looking at me sadly.

I looked at her digital clock which said one o' clock. "Yeah. Hopefully I'm strong enough to fight them off long enough to get out of there if things go bad."

"Don't let me hear that!" Meredith said giving me a big hug. "I told Landon this is a stupid idea, but he insisted that you should go alone and you have no time to wait for your sisters."

"I know Meredith."  I said trying but failing to be reassuring. "I'll be okay. Turner wouldn't make me go through all of this if it wasn't safe for me. I'll go and they'll probably fight a little before they fully listen to me."

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