Four Witch Sisters in Training chapter 17 (FINAL CHAPTER!)

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  • Dedicated to My sister and of course my fans!

Four Witch Sisters in Training

Chapter 17 (Last chapter!)

The war has begun, I kept saying in my head as I fought all the people in Be’s army. I fought hard, and never let any of them touch me as I killed them. I wish I could give them all a chance to become good, but as I watched them fight till the death, I knew there was no way they could ever be good.

I fought alongside Jewel, waiting for her to make the call to leave the fight and finish this once and for all. I can’t explain it, but it felt like everything was going in slow motion, and if you stood in the middle of the battle, you could capture everything.

For instance, Dream is fighting against two witches, both of them very powerful. Dream just killed one of them, and without hesitation turned around and kept fighting the other one, both of them heading right into another fight, causing the evil witch and a vampire to strike each other by accident, killing each other wordlessly.

Colleen is fighting a vampire, a young vampire. Colleen keeps telling him it doesn’t have to be this way, but the vampire won’t listen. He was born and raised to be evil, both his parents died for the queen and king during attacks. Colleen had no choice but to blow him into a burning fire nearby. She shuddered, but she continued killing. She glanced over at Jewel and me regularly, waiting for the signal to leave.

Clover, yes Clover, is on the ground being attacked by three witches. All three of them casting spells into Clover’s face. She struggled, but it was no use, she knew she was going to die. But at the last second, a werewolf killed all three of the witches in one swipe, saving Clover a near death.

As for me and Jewel, we both are fighting Be, succeeding as we do so. We knew this wouldn’t last long though. We had to hurry and weaken her, long enough for us to do what we have to do. It’s very tricky what we have to do, almost impossible if we’re one second late.

Screams were yelled as people were hurt, killed, or worse, lost someone they loved. I knew from the start June was nearly dead, but she was saved just like Clover. Dreams scream filled the air. I turned around, but when I saw she was fighting Clover, my heart stopped for a moment. Being the head Element Sister, it was my duty to let Dream do something that was so painful to do. If anyone should kill her, it should be Dream.

Colleen looked over at Dream just as a fire ball was rushing toward her, but she used her water to meet it half way. Both struggled to hit the opposing target, but in all fairness, it may go on forever. Dream sighed heavily, and then pushed with all her might. The water and fire struck Clover. Clover blew up, and where she stood, was now vacated.

Dream fell to her knees, crying loudly. I wanted to go over and hug her, but I couldn’t, right now my feelings couldn’t get in the way of me killing Be. I threw cursed daggers at her, but I missed every time I shot one toward her. Focus, I told myself repeatedly. Think of all the people you’ll save if you kill Be. Of course, then we’d have to find the new girl who will take on the other witch, but I have a good feeling that won’t be for a while.

“You won’t win!” Be screamed at me, giggling. “Nobody can destroy me!”

Jewel stared at her, her eyes burning with deep hate. She screamed out loud and shot a wave of air and electricity at her. Before Be could react, she got hit with it, leaving deep gashes in her. She stared at her, then flicked her hand, but nothing happened.

I was about to open my mouth to speak, but Jewel screamed and grabbed her head, shaking violently. Be shot black orbs at Jewel while she was still injured, leaving me to have to save her. I threw earth power balls at the black orbs, both of them collapsing into each other, causing a small explosion. I knelt down next to Jewel, trying to help shake off whatever’s bothering her.

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