Four Witch Sisters in Training Chapter 9

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I just want to thank the new and old readers who've enjoyed this book and have voted and commented! I love waking up to your comments and encouragement and just about everything nice you say haha :)! This chapter is definitely one of my favorites because $tarr actually makes her first friend in it. Anyways, I know you've been waiting for this so,

Four Witch Sisters in Training

Chapter 9

So many thoughts ran through my mind as I tried to remember what happened to Colleen and Turner as the car flipped. All I can remember is the sound of the car windows cracking open and the car falling apart. I kept trying to remember anything that could make me remember anything at all about what happened, but I've come blank.

I'm in some car with scratched up leather seats with the foam coming out of it. From what I remember, besides the car crash, a woman pulled me out of the car and carried me into her car. She gagged me and tied up my hands and legs. Then she turned on her car and started driving really fast. Right now the woman is talking on her cell about how Turner couldn't even complete one task successfully. She kept roaming on about how she told everyone he wasn't ready to protect Colleen and me, even if he's in the prophecy of protecting the two most powerful witches out of the four element sisters.

I blinked a few times before everything became suddenly clearer. Two boys about my age were sitting in the seats in front of me. Apparently I'm in the trunk of the car. I rolled my body to the left to see eyes looking straight at me! I'm not the only prisoner. I do a lame attempt of a scream since she put a rope around my mouth.

"Somebody's up," the woman driving chirped.

I shook my body hoping it would help loosen the ropes binding my hands and legs. I gave up after two minutes. I know it'll do me no good to waste all my energy trying to untie myself. The woman turned off the car and hopped out humming some song cheerfully. I watched her from the window. She walked confidently over to the trunk with her blonde hair swaying in the wind, followed by her two sons I'm guessing. She opened the door with a smile on her face when she saw my terrified eyes looking at her and her two sons. She grabbed the boy next to me and threw him to the ground giggling. Then she grabbed me and threw me to the concrete ground.

One of the sons untied the boy that was in the trunk with me. The woman's son got a wand out and pointed it at him. All of a sudden Nick was there.

"How'd it feel to be a non witch Nick?" he asked smiling.

"Well Tyler, I'm surprised your even capable of doing that change your look spell."

"Very funny Nick. Now watch your little girlfriend die."

"My girlfriend?"

"$tarr duh."

"She isn't my girlfriend."

"Why not?"


"Because why?"

"Because I said because idiot."

"Fine fine, don't want to push your little buttons."

Tyler walked over to me grinning. He untied my mouth trying not to hurt me as he did so. I coughed and sighed with relief with the feeling of the rope taste out of my mouth.

"Where's my sister?" I asked right away.

Tyler looked at me trying to see if I was joking or not. The woman walked over with an odd expression on her face as she sat down on the concrete next to me.

"Your sister is... Well, what sister do you want to know about first?"

"Which one? All of my sisters are hurt?"

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