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Zayns POV

We were setting the table for Leigh- Anne and her parents to have dinner with us, then the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" Drew said

"Drew, I can smell my cologne from here"

"Sorry dad number 2" he smiled opening the door

"Hi" I his smile grew as he opened the door so  walked over to him

"Uh, hello Mr. and Mrs. -"

"Brink" the lady said

"Please come in" this went from settle to awkward

"Hi L.A."

"Hey Andie"

"Hello Andie"

"Good evening Jenny and Greg"

"Fine one it is" 

They were very fond of my daughter, maybe cause she never wants to leave Leigh-Annes house. but they've never met me, only Liam.

"So who are you? And where's Liam?" Greg asked

"Oh, Liam we're waiting" I said and soon enough he came down the stairs and smiled

"Hello Jenny and Greg" 

"Hello Liam"

"Oh, I see you've met my husband Zayn" he smiled and they smild back but you could look at them and tell it was a fake smile.

"So, we should have dinner yeah?"

"Sounds like a deal" Greg smiled and we all sat at the table as Liam and I sat out the food.

We all ate and talked about the kids, thats when the conversation started to get awkward.

"So Liam, how'd you and Zayn meet?"

"Oh, we met in high school, I was new student and he kinda just spotted me out" I smiled and looked down knowing that wasnt the whole truth.

"Didn't you two have the twins in high school?"

"Yeah our last year of high school" 

"So you have no college education"

"Sadly, thats true" Liam looked down

"So why'dd you move here if your from the United Kingdom?" Greg asked, he's asking to many questions and Im ready for them to leave.

"Well, we came here on our honeymoon-"

"And we loved it here so we decided we'd move here" I finished and Liam smiled at me

"And your parents were ok with this?"

"Yeah totally. Speaking of parents we're actually going to visit them for spring break and I know they're excited to see they're grandma"

"We barely even knew her" Drew said and I kicked him under the table

"Thats why we're visiting" I growled

"Well its getting late, I think we should go"

"Oh, ok" 

We got up from the table and walked to the door and said our good byes.

"See you Monday L.A." he smiled and she hugged him

"See ya" she smiled back and started to walk away, but she came back and kissed him on the cheek.

I closed the door and he stood there in shock.

"Dude, she just kissed you cheek" I said

"I know" he smiled and ran up to his room

"Our kids our crazy" Liam said from the kitchen

"Just like we were" I smiled

A/n: Bruh, that went smooth right? YES? NO? MAYBE SO? I dont know! But I hope enjoyed this chapter.
we're not gonna do that favorite comment thing, its stupid.
But make sure you favorite and comment  thanks peeps. PEACE!!
Peyton list is what his girlfriend looks like ok!

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