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Liams POV

"So Leigh-Anne's mum told me about you two's relationship and Andie I didn't know-"
"I didn't want to tell you anything"
"Why not"
"Cause you'd make a big deal out of it like you did when you found out Drew was straight"
"There's still hope for him, but as for you I would have understood babygirl, you can tell me anything"
"Fine, I am a full on lesbian who is dating my best friend behind your back cause I didn't want to tell you, plus I think Drew is hiding something there may be a possibility there's homosexualness somewhere in him" she spoke quite quickly and I called Zayn in.
"Whats up in here?"
"Andie tell him too"
"It's your family babe you tell him"
"Fine. Dad Im a lesbian who was secretly dating Leigh-Anne"
"Well it wasn't a secret hun" he said on my bed with daddy
"It was obvious, I just trusted you to tell me when you were ready"
"Zayn!" daddy said
"It's called good parenting Li, get a pen and notepad cause Im taking you to school"
"Dad stop trying to be cool"
"So is this conversation over?" she asked
"Wait dad can Leigh-Anne go to Bradford with us?"
"She has to ask her mum" I said walking out of the door.

Andies POV

"Do you think your mum will let you go?"
"She loves you and your dads so I dont see why she wouldn't!"
"This is great it really is"
"Im so excited Andie, that means we will spend Spring Break together like we planned
"I heard theres hot guys there Leigh-Anne, so I'm watching you ever so closely"
"I may like that" she smiled and I turned around
"I'm done with you let's order a pizza yeah?"
"Maybe we could try to straighten my hair?"
"But it's so long"
"Thats why we can try!"
About 3 hours later after we got and ate our pizza she was finally dont with my hair.
"I also curled the ends" she said letting me up to look at it.
"This is amazing Leigh-Anne" I looked at her and kissed her cheek "thank you" I said and raced downstairs to show off my hair
"Dads look what Leigh-Anne did"
"Please tell me ya'll didn't break anything" daddy said turning around and his jaw dropped and he patted dads shoulder and he turned around and smiled
"Like my hair?"
"I love it Andie, you look 10 years older though"
"I love it daddy, I'm doing this more often so I don't have to deal with those annoying curls"
"I love your curls" Leigh-Anne said
"We do too, it would be ashamed if they just disappeared!" dad whined
"Fine, not all the time then"
"Soinds like a deal"
"Good, night" I said taking Leigh-Annes hand as we raced back up the stairs to show Drew.
I opened the door and he was on his laptop talking to someone.
"Drew look at my hair"
"Cool" he said smiling not even looking uo from the laptop
"Drew!" I yelled and he looked up and his jaw-dropped
"Wow, L.A. did you do that?"
"Yeah" she smiled
"Undo it. She's to pretty now, it will take all the attention off of me at school"
"Your an ass you know that" I said
"And your a self obsessed bitch, now please leave my room" tears filled my eyes and I shut the door but stayed
"Sorry babe, that was my annoying sister, so this spring break I'm going to BradFord...yeah she's my twin sister sadly....and her friend....yeah my ex....no....sometimes......shut up loser" he laughed and I felt a few tears slide down my face and I ran back downstairs past Leigh-Anne
"Yes Andie"
"Drew. He's talking to someone a-and h-he"
"Sshh it's ok Andie"
He came downstairs.
"You don't what me"
"Yes sir!"
"What did you do to your sister?"
"Liar" Leigh-Anne said
"Leigh-Anne what happened?" she looked and me then Drew
"We went to show Drew he hair and he liked it, then we kept talking and he ignored us to talk to whoever he was talking to then he told her to go back to the way she was so she doesn't take the attention off him" she finished, but she didnt finish the story
"Why'd you say that?"
"Cause if you haven't realized your daughter is beautiful and people know her more than me, they like her more than me, Im invisible in her shadows and it gets annoying, then everyone compares me to her which drives me insane and you all dont realize Im not her, I'm just the other child nobody cares about"
"Drew thats not true daddy said walking over and hugging him which made him tear up
"Then why do you always pay more attention to her"
"We dont" dad said
"Well if you didnt you'd know that my team and I won the soccer tournament, I have straight A's, Im not is honors classes and...and I have a boyfriend"
"I knew he'd come though!" dad said and daddy glared at him
"Well we didn't know that but thats not cause we dont pay attention to you, its cause you dont tell us things anymore, just like Andie the lesbian here"
"Thats me!!"
"And you let those two in a room alone!"
"Well they're dating"
"No dip, they've been dating since we broke up 2 years ago"
"What did I do?"
"Be cute" I giggled
"Ok this is to much, everybody rooms now dont come out till morning"
"What if you have to pee"
"THEN PEE!! DREW PEE!!" daddy yelled in his faced and we all laughed and he chuckled
"Go now, Im serious!" we all raced up the stairs in laughing fits to our rooms.

Wasn't that crazy!?!?! YEah!! I KnOw!! ByE!!!

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