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Drews POV

"No" dad said and I pouted
"But-" L2 started but was cut off by his dad
"No, it's a mini me dating a mini Zayn and that will not happen for as long as I live"
"Well I can arrange something-" I was cut of him L2 hitting my arm
"Drew!" he gasped
"Sorry, I just really want to be with you and knowing our dads won't let us really makes me sad" I pouted and he poked my lip
"Put that lip back in or I'll bite it" he whispered and I put my lip away/
"Dad, please?" he looked at Louis and I looked at my dad
"No" Louis said once again

"Zayn, Louis, lighten up, they're young, and dumb, but not as dumb as you two were. Plus they may not, and I hope they won't use each other for alternatives for fuck with when they need the chance like you two were 15+ years ago" daddy said and I smiled at his effort

"Plus  you and Liam are good parents and I should have been more harsh on you and what you were doing with those boys every night" grandma Malik said
"Dang dad, every-night. No thanks that's to much" I said
"Yeah more like when I'm 18 or older" L2 laughed and I laughed with him
"We're not dumb, nor are we sex crazed, hormonal sexually frustrated teenagers" I said and they laughed
"Maybe we could give them a try Lou?"
"Maybe, but if I find out-"
"You won't, cause it'll never happen, the least you'll see from us is a kiss every now and then" L2 said and I nodded in agreement
"Uhg fine whatever stay safe, no sex, sex is bad, it can send you too the E.R." Louis said
"It really can trust Lou" dad said and I made a grossed out face
"Well now that that's settled-" daddy began
"We can start looking for flats here? I mean we're gonna have a new addition and our son has a boyfriend-"

"What about us?" Andie budded in with Leigh-Anne
"I'm sure you two can figure something out" he smiled
"I guess" she pouted
"Always trying to take my moments huh?"
"Your a little attention whore who want's everyone to pay attention to her."
"What are you talking about?"
"I did not fucking stutter, your suppose to be my sister, not my competitor or enemy. Your suppose to stick on my side not go against me, you always want things about Andie this Andie that and where the fuck is Drew huh? Oh he's not even in the picture! That goes for you two dads! Lou is the only one who paid attention to me, who I felt like care, and I know I sound like a depressed girl, but I am depressed guys you just can't see it!" I yelled at them
Truths have been spoken.

"Drew, I'm so sorry" she said
"Not sorry enough" I said and went back up the stairs having Louis follow me along with my dad
"Drew" Lou said
"Did you mean that"
"Yeah I did, you made me feel like someone cared, and like someone was there for me" I smiled as he rested his forehead against mine 

He leaned in and kissed me grabbing my waist and me snaking my arms around his neck. I titled my head right and as did he to deepen the kiss, that's when Mr.Payne walked in and we broke the kiss.

"Louis out" he said and Lou just nodded and walked out
"Don't you ever talk to your sister, dad or anyone like that ever again!" he yelled and I had, had it with his bullshit.
"You wanna know something?" I yelled my question and walked back downstairs and stood on the coffee table
"Drew Mayne get down right now!"
"You wanna know something Liam, Zayn, Andie, Leigh-Anne and maybe everyone else?" I asked with tears streaming down my face as I raised up my sleeves
"I slit my wrists Im so depressed, I want to die I'm so depressed, yet you always pay so close of attention to your precious daughter I'm so non-existent so you didn't even notice"
"Drew-" Liam began
"I don't care for you bullshit excuse Liam Payne cause it's not gonna make up 2 years of being the twin nobody even cared about and Andie be the star child who was 'perfect' ok I tried, I tried to be like her every single time you told me to, and every single time you told me to try to do better at something I really did. But then you guys got way out of control and I just couldn't do it anymore you guys never cared, you just wanted me to be like her" I sobbed and Zayn got me off the table
"Don't you dare touch me or try to be sympathetic to me, your days are over!" I yelled at all of them and decided to go to the garage.

Nobody tried to stop, or follow me I think. That was until I heard dad yell everyone either leave or go get some sleep then I heard someone open and close the door.
"I'll let you stay in there for as long as you'd like Drew, but you're gonna have to come out sometime soon" dad said at the door and I just sniffled really loudly as an ok
I then felt weight other than mine on the old sofa and I looked up seeing Louis with tears in his eyes
"Why are you crying?"
"Cause Drew, wouldn't you cry if you had found out I was cutting my wrists?"
"Well that's how I feel and that's why I'm crying, babe I knew you were depressed I just didn't know you do this"
"Did, I did this, haven't done it in 3 weeks now" I put my head back down letting shame take over me
"But why?"
"I just yelled it out to everyone!"
"Shouldn't you be leaving?"
"No, my dads are still here cause they refuse to leave"
"I think our dads still have a sex affair going on between them"
"Ew gross please don't go back to that topic" I looked up and smiled
"There's that smile, you haven't smiled since you've gotten here and you've been here for nearly 6 hours now"
"I know" I pouted again and he bit my lip 
"I warned you earlier didn't I child?"
"Yeah, but I didn't think you'd really do it"
"Well I just did so ha" he smiled and I smiled back at him

He leaned in at the weirdest moment making our teeth hit each other
"Shut up and kiss me" he practically growled at me and I kissed him

He licked my bottom lip and I didn't know what was happening I was so inexperienced with this, so he bit my lip and I gasped and he slipped his tongue in my mouth and our tongues danced as his took dominance over my mouth and roamed around it exploring my whole mouth. He pulled back as be go air.
"And that is called snogging, with out the biting your lip part" he smiled and attacked my lips hungrily making me fall back on the sofa as he took my legs.
"Wrap them around my waist" he whispered and that's what I did
It deepen our kiss, but it also made him straddle me and made our lower regions rub against each other which is what I think he wanted.
"Lou" I practically pushed him away
"Sorry, that got out of hand didn't it?"
"Yeah" I whispered feeling a bit embarrassed
"Sorry, I should go dads probably are ready to leave"
"Yeah, and my dads are probably ready to talk with me and get me help"
"You need as much help as you can get, I don't want you to be sad and hurt yourself like that, I wan you to be happy and to be with me forever"
"Ok" I smiled and we left the garage.

He went to find his Larents while I went to my Maynes. I was ready for whatever they were about to put me through, even if it was hell, or even worse!

A/n: LONGER CHAPTER THAN USUAL GUYS!! Btw this story will be updated every Monday. I watched The Fosters and we had a freaking Jonnor kiss yo!!! So I was like they have to kiss in this chapter ok! They just have to so they did!! Also you guys should follow my insta for this account it's called the._.stylinsons cause you know...LARRY!! Also maybe check out my YouTube it's called Ms.A I'll be having a new video up this Friday and keep in mind I haven't done a video on there in years! I'll have a vlog up on Friday and a regular video up tomorrow, I'm still editing!! ANYWHO THANKS FOR READING AND GGGOOOOOOOOOODDDD BYE!!!!!!

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