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Zayns POV

"Zayn why aren't you worried?" Liam shouted at me as everyone paced and thought on where Andie could have gone
"Cause I know where she is" everyone looked at me
"Zayn this is no time for your games where is my granddaughter?" mum asked me and Liam's mum nodded her head
"She's where I found Liam that one day he tried to avoid me back in high school"
"I got in Zayn let's go"
"No, I'll go alone"
"Cause you pressure people and the twins are afraid of you plus you really need to rest"
"Ok Zayn hurry back"
" I'll try" I smiled walking out of the door and to the old barn from 14 freaking years ago, I'm amazed it's still up.
I peeked in through the open barn door, it still looked quite nice and I tip-toed to where Andie was curled up on the dusty old couch. I sat by her and put my arm around her.
"Go away, let me be useless out here and decay with everything in this old barn"
"Now I know for a fact Liam wouldn't like that now would he?"
"He might"
"He wouldnt, can you come back to the house please?"
"Dad's princess doesn't wanna ride the magic unicorn away to the house" she giggled
"I'm to old for that" she looked at me with her hazelnut eyes that were glossy from tears but still shined
"No your not" I got up from the couch and faced my back towards her "how bout in kid?"
"I guess it couldn't hurt could it?"
"I wouldnt and it couldnt" I laughed and she hopped on my back.
I made a horse sounds and ran off to the house and stopped at the door opening it
"Princess Andie Mayne has arrived" I said removing myself from her path as she waved like a princess and smiled
"She's back in her fairy kingdom" Liam smiled getting up from the couch
"Fairy kingdom it is" I smiled and we huddled around her
"With out fairy princess" Liam smiled
"Who takes care of the unicorns" she added and we all laughed
"Well we're glad your back Andie" Liam said
"Kinda glad to be back, even though it was literally 10 minutes"
"I feel like this is where I belong" she smiled
"With family and friends?"
"No, in the U.K." she smiled and ran off upstairs again
"We can't move back" Liam shook his head
"Why not we've been there for 14 years now I wanna fresh start"
"Well I dont I wanna stay in L.A."
"This conversations not over"
"I know but I'm starting a new one, hey everyone can we all be in the livingroom" Liam called out the end
Everyone from upstairs came downstairs and Liam stood in front of us and I gave him a confused look.
"So as you all know I look a little bloated, it's cause I'm...well....pregnant again"
"AFTER 14 YEARS!" I yelled
"Yes Zayn"
"How long did you wait to tell me this time?"
"2 months"
"Liam Payne you said-"
"I know what I said, I just couldn't tell you cause I didn't know how you'd react to it I mean that's another baby we have to make room for-"
"Which is why we should move here"
"Why we could make the twins share a room then depending on if it's a boy or girl one twin can share their room"
Dad's we should be here then me and L2 could be closer together"
"What do you mean closer?" Louis asked and we all faced the two boys whose faces grew red
"He meant closer as well closer, I mean we are dating"
"Oh my God no!" Louis shouted "a Stylinson will not date a Mayne" Louis said and  I nodded
" A Tomlinson already dated, and had sex with a Malik" I said and he smirked
"Yes I did but I mean that was like 15 years or more ago"
"I know" I said and he rolled his eyes at me
"Well we can start a new generation and not screw it up like you two" Drew smiled and I looked at Louis who looked at me then I looked at Liam as Louis looked at Harry then we all looked back at the two boys

Cliffhanger. So I have an update schedule now so I can update in a Perseus order not all willy nilly. Ok. Night. It's 10 at night. BYE!!

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