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Liams POV

"You nervous?" 
"Duh Im getting married in like 5 miinutes" 
"Calm down Li" my mum said
"Im sorry mum-"
"Do you love him?"
"Of course-"
"Then everything should go great, after all you two did wait 5 years before getting married"
"We didnt want to get  married right after the twins were born"
"So you waited 5 years?"
"We had to be safe"
"Safe from what?"
"Stop with the questions mum"
"Didnt have an answer did ya"
"Li lets go your daughter is about to explode!" my dad said and I smiled
"Ready Andie?"
"Yeah" she smiled and the music started and I told her to start walking and my dad lined our arms and we followed behind her.
Zayn smiled as he saw me and my mum was tearing up and so were his parents and siblings, along with my sisters. As soon as I got up there tears formed in my eyes and I blinked forcefully to keep them back
"Hi" he whispered and I smiled
"Hi" I replied
"We are gathered here today to unite Liam Payne and Zayn Malik." Lillian (the priest) said "they will now read their vows"


"I Zain Javaad Malik have loved Liam every since I first saw him on his first day at our new high school. Yes I knew he thought I was mean, and inseminating, and I thought he was a total nerd. But then I actually got to know him more and more and I realized how much I really liked him. Then when he told me he was pregnant, I honestly didnt want kids. But then I saw how happy he was about it all, and it made me happy too. Then we had our beautiful and amazing twins and I could ask for anything more. And here I am today getting married to the one who made me who I am today, without him I'd still be that jerk nobody really liked. And most importantly I wouldnt have the twins, and I wouldnt be standing here with the man who is about to become my husband." he finished and I was really trying not to cry.
I took out my phone cause mine was all on there. Every last word.
"My New Life: Im at a new school now. Theres this guy, Zayn Malik, people call him the BradFord bad boi. He's really cute but people are telling me to stay away from him. I try but he comes to me. he's kinda scary, but in a cute way I guess, if thats possible..... Today I gave him my number and we texted almost all night about really stupid, but cute things. what this boy does to me. Today Zayn totally ignored me at lunch, I felt so hurt and betrayed." i said and Zayn chuckled as did the crowd as I blushed "then I let him come over, which may have been a bad idea as soon as he got there. But I ended up kissing him because, why not, then the part that was me being a master and everything. Cant go into detail" I smacked my forehead, why didnt I read this all the way out "then he met my mum, which was awful so she took us to the mall which made things even worse. Today Zayn officially asked me to be his boyfriend by standing on the table and yelling it till everyone got quiet. Today something really really bad happened. Josh a really bad person came. And now me and Zayn aren't together anymore, I really dont like him. Today after all this planning, crying, and just freaking out we finally had a plan and of course saved Zayn, and now he's safe with me as for Josh who is got his ass kicked and is going to jail! I know I've skipped around but Zayn proposed to me at Prom, and I got pregnant yay! But I havent told Zayn yet. Today I told Zayn, he flipped. But understood after like what seemed as 5 hours. Today I had twins and they are the best thing thats happened by far! But as of now, getting married and having my family all around to support me I feel blessed." I finished and Zayn smiled with tears in his eyes.
"If anyone denies this marrige come forth now or forever hold your peace" we waited a moment "Do you Zayn Javaad Malik take Liam James Payne to be you husband?"
"I do" he said and Drew handed him a ring and he put it on my finger
"Do you Liam James Payne take Zayn Javaad Malik to be your husband?"
"I do" I smiled as Drew handed me the other ring and I slipped onto Zayns finger.
"I now pronounce you Husband and Husband, you may now kiss the groom" she smiled and Zayn smiled and I smiled.
Zayn leaned in slowly and kissed me and our families cheered for us as we pulled away. I took Andies hand and Zayn took Drews and we ran down the aisle to get changed for the reception.
"Best Day Ever!"
"By far!" he smiled and we all changed.

A/n:how was the wedding? Did you like it? I thought it was really cute ok! I really worked hard on that so if you read it. THANK YOU!! But if you skipped it. Well then you may or may not be confused when it comes to the reception time. I also made this chapter long, due to there vows and what not cause you know how much they love each other. And if you didnt get Liams, his was a little notebook entry on his phone from when he first met Zayn till there wedding day. I thought that was a cute idea so I threw it in there ok. Dont judge me. Bye My Lovelies!!!

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