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   Exordium - the beginning or introductory part, especially of a discourse or treatise

   A long time ago, there was a sapling. This sapling would grow into the most splendid and important tree in the multiverse. Alongside the sapling was a child, as the sapling grew, so did the child. Once the sapling was a big sturdy tree, with apples of 2 colors and feelings, the child was a woman, a guardian of the tree.

The tree was a powerful tree, it held all the feelings of the multiverse in its fruit, its apples. The golden apples on one side of the tree held all the positive feelings, and whoever ate it grew extremely happy. These golden apples could cure any illness, even illness that would lead to death. The black apples on the other side of the tree held all the negative feelings, whoever ate it grew extremely depressed and negative. These black apples were rumored to kill you if you ate it, or cause harmful injuries.

Humans heard of this power, but none dared to go near because of the guardian of the tree, Nim. Legend was that whomever dared to go near the tree was challenged by Nim, and if Nim won you were turned into a dark apple and hung on the tree. This legend, however, was not true.

One human dared to go close and steal some of the golden positivity apples off the tree. He waited until Nim was asleep and stabbed her, wanting nothing to do with the guardian of the tree. Nim killed the human who stabbed her, she was dying and had to do something quick before the tree died, which was connected to her life force. Nim merged with the tree, not having enough time to make a new guardian to protect the sacred tree.

The muses and whims of the Multiverse took a hold on what happened to Nim and quickly made new guardians. They were human so that the other humans of the world would accept them, unlike they did with Nim who looked like a monster magical deity. The new guardians were twins, one to protect the positivity and one to protect the negativity. Like how Nim was, the new guardians were started off as children. A town and kingdom was built around the tree, the King and Queen of that kingdom took in the 2 little guardians and raised them as their own, keeping their original names, Dream and Night/Nightmare.

One child was healthy and positive, the other child was sickly and negative. One was destined to be king, the other was destined to die. One was destined to have greatness, the other was destined to suffer. One was destined to succeed, the other was destined to fail. Or atleast, that's how the story was supposed to go.

                             Let's take a look into it, shall we?

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