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Protean - taking on different forms

I was waiting at the tree for Dream, he had sent me a letter instead of walking to me and taking me out in person to go see the tree. I had been waiting for around 5 minutes now and was ready to leave, he obviously wasn't coming. Then I heard footsteps crunching against the dew covered grass, I turned to see Dream running towards me with a box in his hands.

"Sorry I'm late brother!" Dream came to a halt in front of me, delicately holding a box, it smelled like freshly baked pastries, I wondered what it was. I waited until Dream caught his breath, "I'm sorry for the fight we had yesterday, I decided to make it up to you by baking you a treat!" I watched him open the box, it contained two apple fritters, they looked delicious.

I stiffened for a moment, growing a tiny bit wary of the treat. Dream and I were just talking about the positivity apples last night, was this a trick to get me to eat one? I searched Dream's gaze for any signs that this was a trick, when I couldn't see any there I tried searching his aura. I couldn't feel his aura, this was strange. I sighed, I was being over paranoid, besides he spent his time making this for me I couldn't throw this gift away, "Thanks Dream, but are you sure this isn't some trick to make me eat the positivity apples?"

I watched him shake his head no, he took one of the fritters out of the box and ate it, I didn't feel his aura at all so I didn't know if it grew his positivity or not, like the apples should. I took this as a sign that the apples fritters didn't contain any positivity apples, I took the remaining one in the box, it turned slightly cold under my touch, interesting. I put the treat up to my mouth and took a bite.

{3rd Person POV}

The apple fritter treat turned from a positivity apple one to a negativity apple one. All the negativity that Night, no NIGHTMARE contained had a force on the remains of the apple that was inside it. When Nightmare bit down nothing happened yet, but he felt odd, like something was touching his soul. He took another bite, Dream could feel something was wrong, but it was too late. He ate the rest of the toxic pastry and the negativity that was held in the apple fritter started to hurt him.

Slimy tar covered his soul, it corrupted him from the inside, corrupting his blood stream. The goop filled his lungs and he coughed it up, the substance was filling any possible space in his body and once it couldn't find any more containers it started spilling out of the body itself. Nightmare coughed and threw up the tar, it leaked out of his nose and his eyes. Dream only stood there, horrified at what was happening to his brother, not understanding that this was his fault, he had thought he was going to save his brother... yet he had only caused his downfall, the guilt was unbearable.

{1st Person POV}

It hurt like HELL. No, that wasn't even the correct word to describe it. It felt as though my body was tearing itself apart, I couldn't breath, I couldn't move, it felt paralyzing. The pain in my chest and soul was unbearable as they grew corrupted, the tar was taking over me, covering most of my body. I was blinded, I couldn't see, then once the tar cleared from my eye I looked over at Dream. All I could see was a dark smiling figure, looking like it was enjoying my pain, my suffering. I screamed and fell onto my knees as four black tentacles were ripped out of my back, I swore I could feel blood, if it even was that anymore, spilling all over my clothes and onto the ground. Throwing up more black tar out of my organs I could finally talk.

"BROTHER!" I screamed, trying to catch his attention, the black figure transformed into my brother. He was crying, paralyzed in fear, if I was my normal self I wouldn't blame him... but now I hated him with all my soul, "YOU DID THIS TO ME! YOU MADE ME A MONSTER!"

I watched his lips move, no sound came out, then he said, his voice cracking with grief, "Brother, I'm..." He was sobbing, "I'm so, so, sorry!" He started to back away from me, I shakily got up and took a trembling step towards him. I could now control the appendages I had that split from my back.

"You... your no brother of mine anymore..." I smiled viciously, feeling the tar drip from my mouth, I licked it away with my tongue, it tasted like bitter, rotten apples. I raised one of my tentacles, it was dripping with the same substance that was almost fully covering my body, I slammed it against Dream, knocking him into the tree, he hit his head and went unconscious. I perked my head up from where I was standing, glaring down at Dream, I looked over at who had screamed. It was that baker girl that Dream had told me about, I laughed, who cares about his friends anymore?

"N-night... you?" I heard her stammer, her fear, her negativity only made me stronger. It felt good. I started making my way towards her, she was paralyzed in fear, like Dream had been. I raised my four weapons and stabbed them through her body, blood started staining my tar, I smiled as she fell on ground, her body practically cut in half. This feeling, it was great. I heard more screams and the sound of people running and pushing each other to try and get away from me, I was feeding off of their fear. I swung my appendages around, cutting anyone who was standing within a 30 yard radius of me, in half. This left many people on the ground, broken, dead, and bleeding.

I heard a bow fire from one of the outer walls, I looked in that person's direction, some guards were standing on the walls with bows, trying to see if they could shoot me down. I smiled twistedly and shouted at them, "BRING IT ON, I'D LIKE TO SEE WHAT YOU GOT!" I watched a few of their faces twist in fear as they heard my familiar voice, one of them got the courage to shoot me. I felt the arrow pierce one of my four tentacles, my tar only absorbed the arrow like it was water, this made me feel more powerful, I couldn't get hurt or die. I started sauntering over to the wall, my goop went to feed my tentacles, making them longer as I reached the wall. A few of the scared guards shot at me, mostly missing in their panic, they weren't aiming because of how alarmed they were at my voice.

I posed my appendages and stabbed four of them, they dropped dead almost instantly, my tar feeding off of their corpses. The other 3 were trying to run away from me, scaling the outer walls. I grabbed one of them and held them tight, stabbed another, and knocked one off the wall and falling to their demise. Laughing, I threw the remaining guard at some innocent bystanders that were trying to open the gate to get out, they all knocked into each other like bowling pins. I walked over there as they were getting up in disarray, slaughtered a few in the genocide I was making, and left the rest to try and help their dying companions. I watched as some houses started burning, fires being unattended to as the genocide continued, causing more panic in the town of people. I started darting towards the castle, dodging or murdering people who were in my way, I wanted to waste no time killing the importants I had started to loathe for their self-centered personalities.

"S-sweety?" I heard my ''mother's'' voice say as I neared her, she was dragging the broken dead corpse of my ''father'', whom I had killed moments before, "P-please, it's me, your mother, you w-wouldn't kill me, right?"

I smiled reassuringly, "Of course not~" I purred, my tone had a hint of malice, "I had no trouble killing one liar, why not make it two~?" I quickly stabbed her through the brain, her eyes fluttered for a moment before closing. She was dead, her crumpled body next to her husband's broken corpse. My smile turned evil, "Live together, die together. A ''perfect'' love story ending." I turned away from the sight, feeling wet tears come out of my eyes. Why am I crying over those liars? I thought, brushing the salty water away, they weren't my real parents anyway, just some fakers that decided to raise Dream and I... I started trekking towards the door, and then remembered. Dream... he was probably conscious by now and was looking at the wreckage. I chuckled, the look on his face was going to be priceless once I told him what I had done.

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