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Reminiscing - indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events

(Present Day)

"Boss! Boss!" I looked over at the door with my single, glowing, cyan eye. I had sent Raspberry out on a mission a few hours before, he seemed excited to be back, I wondered why. I watched him burst through the door, no real damage done to it, he was panting. I waited until he caught his breath, "We believe we've located the whereabouts of the Star Sanses!"

I shifted my tar tentacles, this was good news, "Who's ''we''," I asked curiously, wondering if he had taken anyone with him on his mission. That wouldn't be likely, everyone else was supposedly busy.

"Bill," He replied steadily, "That weird yellow and black hood dude that you called a triangle?" I blinked, surprised. Raspberry looked quite excited, it was messing with my aura and strength, though I didn't pay any attention to it.

"Why was Bill helping you?" I questioned coldly, having an icey mask over my voice, "As far as I know he helps no one, he only helps if he gets something out of it."

"The Star Sanses have been bothering him," Raspberry replied with a logical, no, a reasonable answer, "And some other sanses across the multiverse, he wants to stop being bothered, that's why he's helping."

I chuckled, what a likely story, of course Raspberry would believe it. If it was Underfell!Sans he would be wary, if it was Swapfell!Papyrus he would also be wary. But it was Swapfell!Sans, a darker variation of Underswap!Sans. I thought he would be more wary with his experience of Alphys and the others in his AU, I guess I was wrong.

"What a likely story!" I exclaimed, menace in my voice. I rippled one of my appendages and thrust it at Raspberry, holding him against the wall by his throat. He seemed confused, and was also trying to ration his air so he wouldn't suffocate. I sighed, letting him go, "Go tell the others we may have another problem to deal with."

"But, Boss-" He started to say.

"NOW." I screeched, I didn't want to hear Bill!Sans's assumption of where the Star Sanses were, I didn't trust him even if he occasionally sided with us. I knew he helped Error 404, and was supposed to be trusted by that stand point, but I couldn't help not trust him because of his devious ways. It was hard to trust a dream demon.

I kept thinking back to my terrible past today for some reason, maybe it was the fact that my crewmates kept asking, or could just be some nostalgia from a certain few items scattered around. I glanced over at where Raspberry had been standing, he was gone, good.

(Dream's POV)

Brother... I had kept thinking about him today, all the good times we spent together, all those days and nights, in and out of the rain. And then when we found out his illness. His corrupted trauma. The destruction.

"Dream?" I stiffened and then relaxed as I saw Ink's orange eyes with orange question mark pupils. His eyes were quite mesmerizing in a way, it reminded me of Nightmare's lightening and darkening violet eyes. I felt a pang of sickness lurch in my stomach, I missed him so much.

"Dream!" I blinked as Ink's voice called out again, outside multiversal wise I was younger than him but inside Dreamtale I was way older. I looked down at Ink, the smaller guardian was only a few inches shorter but it still made him pissed. I let out a small sigh, my mind started to drift off again, "DREAM!" I squeaked in surprise as Ink started shaking me.

"What! What?" I caught Ink's gaze again and looked at his angry expression, I wondered what I had done wrong.

"Ya zoned out again," Ink huffed at me, he seemed worried and angry at the same time, his emotion never ceased to amaze me, especially since I can't feel or see his aura. I watched him with curiosity as he stopped shaking me, "What are you so afraid of? You've been in a depressing mood all day."

I sighed, he didn't know about the relationship I once had with Nightmare yet, and I didn't want to ruin his day. I took a deep breath in, "It's nothing Ink, just some nostalgia about my past life."

I watched Ink's pupils disappear, he seemed to know the same feeling yet I didn't know why. Then again, we both didn't know each other's pasts, and it felt rude to ask. I watched Ink consider something for a moment, then watching him sigh and walk away from me. I sighed too, it seemed life wasn't as easy as anyone thought.

And a single thought crossed both minds at once, "I miss you brother."

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