An Encounter

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I looked at my brother's statue, what had I done? The whole town, castle, and outer walls were in shambles, the destruction the storm had caused. I was that storm. I got up from kneeling at my brother's stone body and looked over at the tree of feelings, Nim, something that is, no WAS, my life purpose. I raised my appendages, ready to strike at the last standing thing in this rubble.

"You wouldn't hurt me, would you?" I heard the voice of the late guardian of the tree, Nim, "After all, you'd be destroying your own purpose," I huffed, she was talking nonsense.

"Purpose? As far as I'm concerned my only purpose right now is causing negativity and destruction," I responded, growing angry at the women. I hissed as her spirit form appeared in front of me.

"You destroy this tree, you'll destroy all the feelings in the multiverse, all the negative feelings will be on you while all the positive on your brother," She responded, unfazed by what I had just said.

"My brother...?" I felt tears falling down my face, why was I crying? My emotions seemed stable for insanity a minute ago, was I sad or were these tears of happiness? I didn't know anymore, my feelings were so confusing, "He's dead. I killed him."

"Is that really what you believe?" I heard her soft voice ask, I was growing weary of her, and she could tell, "He's not dead, just in a paralysis mode from all the negativity here."

I looked at her boredly, still feeling the tears falling from my face. I sighed, my appendages still raised, they cut through her and stabbed the tree. Her form dissipated, I smiled and used a tentacle to slice the tree in half. I took a few breaths in to stabilize and calm myself down, I had just caused the destruction of everything I'd known and loved, and for some reason, it felt GREAT! Like this was the best feeling in the world, who cared about order when there could be chaos, who cared about creation when there could be destruction?

I started waltzing away from the tree, my eye flickered and focused on my brother. He seemed as good as dead, I raised a tentacle to cut the statue in half. It trembled for a moment. I lowered it, I couldn't kill it... if what Nim had said was true and he was still alive inside there... I couldn't get rid of it. I let out a shaky sigh and walked passed it, not wanting to look at it anymore.

I walked past the remains of the broken gate that led to the town, it was in all due respect that I passed through here. Anyone who was left alive would die of hunger in a few days time, so I didn't really care to kill them too easily, their grief would probably cause them to commit suicide, this thought amused me. I knew where I was heading.

I sat atop of the cliff, looking up at the blood red sky with the black clouds, it marked my destruction of whatever was around me. I had destroyed any towns close to the kingdom, not wanting them to call the fabled protector Ink. Though it seemed I should have destroyed all remaining survivors because I heard a voice behind me.

"Who are you. What did you do to this AU!?" I heard a high, male voice behind me exclaim profusely confused. I didn't hear much worry in his voice which surprised me, I turned my head to look at him, he looked exactly as the picture in that book looked. Ink's eyes were red and green with a rhombus and a triangle instead of blue and yellow with a circle and a star, I took this as a sign of his anxiety.

"Eh," I waved my hand as if it was no big of a deal, "Just causing people's demise and negativity everywhere, it feels great!" I let out a laugh, which only caused the protector's eyes to darken. I watched him pull out his big paintbrush, an odd weapon of choice but I wouldn't judge.

I watched him swing it which caused purple paint to fly at me, I quickly got up from where I was sitting at the edge of the cliff and dodged. This sent the paint flying off the cliff. I growled at him, what did he think he was doing, some paint wouldn't stop me. I rippled my tentacles, swinging one at Ink full throttle, he threw some red paint at it and I screeched in pain, what was this stuff made of!? While I was momentarily stunned he threw some of the purple paint at me again, which caused chains to form around my tary body.

"I, Ink, Protector of AUs," I rolled my eyes as he began his little 'speech', "Demand you to tell me who you are and what happened here!" He held his paint brush to my throat, I looked down at it, it had that dreadful red paint. I sighed, this wasn't going as I wanted.

"Tch, My names Nightmare," I adopted my true name with ease, it fit me now, "And I was just causing some negativity and destruction to feed my own amusement and power." I knew some of that wasn't true, but I wasn't going to tell him.

I heard him mutter under his breath, "(Another AU destructor, great, I wonder who his rival is. Considering I have Error...)" Error? Right, that destructor from that book. He seemed like a nice guy, but considering I was thinking that in this insanity it wasn't much. I laughed, watching his eyes flicker again to a confused look.

"Rival!? Oh you must be mistaken! I don't have a rival, though I do have a brother that could be considered my enemy," His gaze kept flickering, like he was trying to process this information. This was amusing, "I left his body in the wreckage of his old home." No need to tell this Ink that I was from here as well.

He titled his head and yelled at me as I dissolved into a puddle of goop and slid away from the chains that fell, he tried running after me but tripped and fell. I saw his expression change to pure confusion this time, had he lost his memory? I didn't care, I just teleported away, having awoken and found out my new powers.

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