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No, I couldn't feel like this. I shook my head angrily, severing my connection with Dream's mind for that moment. I couldn't feel weak feelings. I took in a deep breath and sighed, focusing on the negative feelings in the castle to regain my icey mood.

"Don't think about him," I muttered frustratedly to myself, wanting to get rid of any happy memory with him and focus on when he betrayed me instead, "He's the very thing you need to slander, not contain, get him out of your head."

I slammed my tentacle against the wall, it dented but that didn't bother me, this old castle was falling apart from years anyways, so what if it had another dent in the foundation? It's not like we could die from the building falling, we could teleport out.

I heard a small cough behind me and turned around to see Red, or Fell, staring at me with an annoyed expression. I glared at him, how dare he come in at this moment, I let out an annoyed sigh to calm down and then asked, "Whaddya want, scum?"

"Nothing much, Boss," I watched his gaze flicker through mixed emotions, he must've heard what I'd done to Raspberry. I hissed under my breath, he scrambled to say something, trying to break the silence, "Error had somethin' to report but I guess he was too scared ta," I watched Red chuckle, "He's said he found a broken, unnamed AU that we could go to whenever this building of junk collapses," I was starting to get interested now, "Apparently it also has a castle in it, way better condition than ours, somethin' already lives there though, but Error's swayed it to reasoning and our side, it should give us no trouble."

I smiled, it wasn't a happy smile, more of a 'perfect, now we have a secret base to destroy our enemies so Dream can't sneak in'. I responded to the perfect news, "Great, tell the others that we'll be moving soon, the castle is already becoming extremely unstable." I watched Red reluctantly bow and walk out of the room, his head hung low, he always hated being the lower one even with his Papyrus.

I wonder why Error hadn't told me himself, maybe he destroyed another AU afterwards and was battling Ink, or he could have just been too lazy to. I respected that at a level, we all had our own down moments. Though his were more frequent, I sighed for like the millionth time today, my ''parents'' did that 24/7 and it drove me crazy, though now I understand why they sighed 24/7, being an adult sucked. I perked my lips in agitation, I had to wait for everyone to get ready to get going, I wasn't going to tell them that I was teleporting all their stuff there, it would be funny to see their angry or disbelief reaction when I did, beautiful negativity. I did wonder however whom this new person was, did they own that castle, what was their name and how would they affect the group? The best I could 'hope' for was that they'd be a good asset to our team, the worst could be that they were hostile and tried to butt into my leadership since that castle must be theirs, either way we'd still cause destruction and I'd have my fair share of negativity.

I felt an overwhelming sense of negativity, never felt that before. I was going to check out the castle to try and place the rooms for my gang when I felt a presence behind me. It was pure negativity, hate. I turned around, yet no one was there.

Interesting, I thought, completely calm at the situation I was in right now, Is he another 'sans' or is he just a random person? I figured that I would need a better look at the person to be sure, better safe than sorry.

A shiver ran down my spine as I entered the main room, there stood a giant black twisted throne. I felt pure agony coming from it, I smiled, loving the screams of torment that were talking to me through my mind from all the negativity that chair produced. I walked over to it and ran my hand along the curved tendrils the throne had spiraling upwards, it was like an imitation of me except with more tentacles and in a chair-like form. It felt like it was meant to be. I was enjoying the agonized screams that grew louder and more negative as I touched the throne, only beings that could feel negativity would be able to relish the torment coming off in great waves. I heard laughter behind me, but when I swung around to face whomever was laughing they were gone, it must be the person that owned this place, the person that Error had encountered.

"You're not scaring me," I growled, at the core of my feelings I was a little terrified, but I wouldn't show it, "So stop messing around and face me or hide like the coward you are."

"Oh but Nightmare," I heard the beings voice for the first time, a chill ran up my spine when I heard all the hate in his voice, he must've been through a lot or he could just be created out of pure negativity like me, "The deal with your friend never said anything about messing with you, so why don't we play a game of hide and seek~?"

I sighed, I wasn't in the mood for a child-ish game like hide and seek, it seemed stupid. I released my tendrils from my back and threatened the voice, "I'm not playing a stupid game, just show yourself you coward!"

I swore I could hear or see the voice consider it for a moment, then I saw the blackest figure appear in front of me. It had glowing red eyes and looked like it was dusting. I just felt annoyed, not intimidated by it. I could feel the figure's disappointment leak off of it, trying to overwhelm my feelings with that of its own.

"Stop it." I hissed through gritted teeth, trying to keep my feelings as they were, "I was just about to get going, so if you'd excuse me."

I watched as he stood in front of me, blocking my way of making a portal back to the remains of Dreamtale, I growled at him, "You're not leaving yet, I haven't shown you the best part."

I had to admit I was curious, he obviously felt it too and dragged me along with him, he forced me onto the throne. The screams were screaming louder than ever, it was hurting my ears, I quickly got off.

"What's wrong, too much for you?" The figure teased, then it rolled its eyes and disappeared, I heard its voice one last time, "Go bring your crew, I'll be waiting."

I heaved another big sigh and teleported away, this thing, this hate, it was starting to make my head hurt though I relished the negativity from it. I would have to try and either recruit it or be wary of it in the future, for now I'd have to focus on my one goal...

Getting that damned positivity apple.

But that's a different story.

{ Erlebnisse } - { Kingdom!Dreamtale }Where stories live. Discover now