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Mizpah - the deep emotional bond between people, especially those separated by distance or death

I shivered, it was a cold evening tonight in the castle. No matter how close to the fireplace I sat I was still shivering. I sighed, sitting on this prickly bear rug wasn't helping to make me more comfortable. I didn't know when Dream was getting back from 'valentine's fest' or whatever the festival for this love holiday was called. I didn't want to go or was not allowed to go because of my condition, no matter how much Dream begged to Ma and Pa about wanting me to go, Pa was always concerned for my health especially since I was confined to the hospital for a week.

"Not like I would've enjoyed it," I huffed, curling up nearer to the fire, "Its just some dumb love festival," I watched the red and orange flames dance on the burning wood, "Besides all the attention would've been on Dream, anyways, he's going to be the next king, not me."

I looked around the room, wondering if I could find a blanket or something to keep me warmer than my clothes and the fire. I sat up into a cross-legged position so I could get a better look at the room. I tried searching the couch first, the velvety cushioning was clean and not covered with anything, the dark oak tables were also vacant. Disappointing. You think a living room would have blankets and pillows, right? Well this one didn't. Only expensive sofas, tall bookshelves littered with well taken care of books, a huge stone fireplace, and a skinned bear rug. I should've brought a blanket down from my room, but I thought the fire would've been enough to warm me up. I was apparently wrong, but it was too late now to go walking back through the cold halls, barefoot, to go get a mere, cold blanket.

"Stupid..." I grumbled frustrated, "I wish Dream was here, maybe his positivity would warm me up." Dream always had this glowey warmth surrounding him, it made everything seem sunny and better, maybe that's why everyone liked him so much. I on the other hand had this dark cold aura around me, I guess that's why everyone disliked me or wanted to be away from me.

I laid back down close to the fire, it was starting to die out and I didn't know how to keep it going. I watched the dying flames flick its tongue across the charred, black wood, trying to eat more of the timber. In ways it reminded me of a dream I once had, watching my soul's colors fight against each other, purple against a dark, black, tar substance. Eventually the tar had won, and I had woken up in cold sweat, even though the dream had seemed calming. I blinked as the last wisps of flames vanished, the room's light faded to black and the warmth seeped away, wanting light. I curled up in a fetal position, trembling from the new awoken cold that consumed the room, it felt menacing. I closed my eyes, it was dark enough in the room already and the fire light only lit up so much, but now it was gone.

"Why is it so cold in here?" I heard a voice say, it was Dream's voice. He must've come back from the festival.

"D-dream?" I croaked from where I was curled up at, my voice sounded so soft I wondered if he had heard me.

"Brother?" I heard my teeth chattering, "Night!" I heard pounding footsteps and then warmth, I looked over at Dream, the cape I made for him was gone, he had put it on me to try and warm me up.

"Night, are you okay?" I felt Dream put a hand on my forehead, and then flinch, "Your extremely cold! I knew it wasn't a good idea to leave you here." I felt his hand and presence go away as he left the room, probably searching for Ma or Pa.

I snuggled closer to Dream's cape, it felt warm and reassuring, like an embrace from someone you care about. I heard frantic footsteps and Dream saying something, then I heard Pa's voice, it was stricken with worry. I felt my body being lifted off the ground as Pa picked me up bridal style. I let out a few faint breaths, watching my air become puffs of white condensation through blurry tired eyes.

"Is Night going to be okay?" I heard Dream say.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, Dream, let's get him warmed up, okay?" I was set down on the couch, Dream's cape still wrapped around me. I winced as I felt a heavy weight on my small body, Dream was on top of me, trying to cuddle.

"You're going to be okay brother!" I felt Dream's positive aura double, "Dad's making a fire!"
I smiled, still shivering a bit, "How was the festival?" I sat up on the velvet sofa, sending Dream tumbling to the other side of the sofa, he let out an 'oof' and sat up, unharmed.

Dream came crawling back over to sit beside me, "It was amazing! Almost everyone was there, I got to paint, make caramel covered apples, and get chocolate and candy!" Dream pulled out a chocolate bar from his pocket and gave it to me, "I wish you were there though, but Ma and Pa didn't let you go because you're sick... When will you not be sick?"

I unwrapped the chocolate bar, took a few considerable bites and swallowed the mushed remains, "I don't know when I won't be sick, I hope it's soon though, I want to do fun things outside too."

I heard Pa sigh from where he was stoking the fire, I looked at Dream to see if he had heard it. Dream was just rambling on about how I was going to get better and all the fun things we'll do, I guessed he hadn't heard Pa sigh. I started eating more of the chocolate Dream had given me, listening to what he was saying. I chuckled softly to myself, it seemed this was going to be a long night.

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