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Credence - belief in or acceptance that something as true

I blinked, my eyes felt heavy from sleep, yet I refused to fall asleep. It was around 6 AM, too early for the rest of the people in town to be up, so this was perfect for Dream and I. There were always tourists or noisy kids crowding the tree, our tree, the tree of feelings, our life purpose. Ma and Pa didn't want us going here because of how crowded it usually was and all the interviewing, it put too much stress on me and my fragile soul, but Dream absolutely loved being in the crowded attention and giving people what they needed.

"Are you falling asleep?" I heard Dream's voice next to me, it was slightly teasing but also questioning. I looked over, he was laying down, his back was sitting up against the tree. Dream's cape was climbing the tree, I was worried that any moment it would fall down and cover his face, blinding his vision.

I smiled, "I guess, we haven't woken up this early in a long time." I crossed my legs and arms, leaning my head against the trunk of the tree. I was sitting in between 2 roots, it was like they were cradling my small body.

Dream was sitting on top of a tree root, bouncing around energetically like the ball of positivity he is, "I wanna meet some of the tourists today! I wonder how they'll act seeing us," He looked fidgety, any normal person would shrug it off and say he had ADHD, but it was actually all the positivity in his aura making him like this.

"I'm not going to like it, but I'll stay here with you so you don't scare them off," I said the last part jokingly, Dream's over excited personality can sometimes come off a bit too strong on new-comers, so I was there to tone it down with my negativity aura.

"Psh, scare them? I think you're gonna be the one to scare them brother," Dream giggled, I scoffed at the thought, Dream continued, "But I will appreciate your company!"

"I believe almost everyone is awake at around 9 AM, or 8, I'm not that sure. It's hard telling time when you can't see the clock," I stated, trying to be serious while looking at Dream's cape, which had, as I expected, flomped over onto his head by the wind.

"Really? It was nearly 6 when we got out here, I can't wait for people to come! It's been a while since Pa has let people through the gate since you were sick," Dream shook off his cape, leaving his hair rumpled and messy, cape hair as I like to say, "Do you think important people will come? Like other kingdoms or famous people? Oh! Do you think a different queen will come?"

I listened to Dream blabber about important people and different kingdoms, I didn't know much of this stuff even though I read more than he did. Dream was destined to be the next king after all, he was being taught this stuff to remember early on. I tuned out his voice to listen to my own thoughts for a bit, I would sit there and listen but now he was talking about kingly duties that I had no interest in. I mentally laughed, I would be a pretty bad king with my attention span. You think that being the more serious and practical one that you could have the attention span of infinity, but it was quite the opposite. Unless something was interesting I would stop listening or fiddle around impatiently, that's why I hated Dad's long speeches or when Dream was talking about history, fantasy was always better than history in my opinion. I felt someone poke me, I ignored it, then it happened again and I snapped back into focus to look at a mildly desperate face. Dream was staring at me in disappointment, I must've missed something important to him.

"You weren't listening when I asked you a question, Nighty," Dream's face was a mixture of anger, disappointment, and thrill, "I asked you something important!"

"I'm sorry Dream," I apologized swiftly, "What was your question again? I got lost in thought for a moment there."

"I asked you what you think your illness was," Dream's eyes were glimmering with hope, "Because you didn't have a fever."

"Maybe it was just a cold?" I saw Dream look at me skeptically, "What? Colds sometimes don't result in fevers!"

"Okay, fine, I trust you," Dream crossed his legs in an applesauce position, "Though that still doesn't explain you not eating and your fatigue that confined your movements."

"I could've just been tired," I was making stuff up at this point, I didn't know what my illness was either, all I knew is that it was quite painful in the soul area, "Or maybe its something we've never heard of," I added a tone of mystery in my voice and Dream shoved me, "Okay, okay, fine. I actually don't know what it is, I was just guessing."

"I hope you don't get it again," Dream's eyes lit up again with that positive hero look, "If you do though I will save you from it!"

"How do you save someone from something that you can't see or touch?" I pointed out, I watched Dream's face fall into despair and quickly corrected myself, "Though I'm sure whatever it is we'll beat it together."

Dream smiled, "Of course we will brother, we are twins after all, and twins always stick together."

"Of course Dream, of course," I turned my gaze away from Dream as something caught my eye, it was the sunrise, a beautiful color combination or pastel pinks, purples, oranges, and yellows. I smiled, it was beautiful. I glanced over at Dream for a second, he obviously had seen it too because his face was lit up like a beam of starlight.

I wish I could do this forever, I wish it would never end.

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