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Docket - a temporally organized plan for matters to be attended to

I kept breathing, in and out, in and out, focusing on my breathing pattern to try and calm myself down. I heard Dream, Ma, and Pa discussing with the doctor about what had happened with me over at the tree yesterday. I didn't want to tell them, but Dream accidentally spilled the beans at dinner and our parents freaked out.

Dream had had a nervous face the rest of the afternoon, he kept fidgeting nervously or gulping. He also was sighing a lot, something had seemed to be on his mind since I had coughed up that slimy tar stuff. It had been dinner time when he looked as nervous as ever, Dad had asked about our day and how it had gone, I was going to make up a lie then Dream but in with the true answer:

"He threw up black goop."

I had watched our parents faces transform from happy to looks of shock. I saw Pa grow a bit angry, wondering why I hadn't said anything before. They started talking about going to the doctor, how I might be hospitalized again, and what types of physical therapy or medicines I might need to use/do. I was sick of being treated like a hapless animal.

"I'm RIGHT here you know," My parents looked at me, their faces each telling a different story. Dad's seemed guilty, knowing they were talking about me without my consent. Ma's seemed worried, like she only wanted what was the best for me. I drew in a deep breath before speaking again, my tone annoyed, "Have you ever thought about how I felt being in the hospital for weeks at a time? It's boring as Hell, even with Dream, I don't think you guys give a SHIT about how I may feel being treated as some useless toy that you can keep on taking care of!" I saw Dream's face grow shocked, I never ever swore, when I swore it means I'm extremely pissed off, "How about you take some consideration about what I may want to be treated or taken care of."

I watched as Dream got up from the table and fled the room, I felt a pang of guilt, he usually never saw me this way. I sighed, Ma had started talking with Pa again, they seemed to not have taken in what I said yet and were discussing it. I had pushed my chair away from the table to get up, once I got up I ran after Dream, going to calm him down.

And here we are, back at the wretched hospital, them talking without including me in their ''little'' conversation about my life and health. I might DIE and they were just chatting like this was a normal thing, it filled me with hate. I watched as the nice doctor who had taken care of me before walked in, he seemed to be leaving for the day. I waved my hand, trying to catch his attention, he noticed me and walked over, sitting in the empty seat next to me.

"Hey," I said friendly, I didn't know his name, or if he told me I wasn't listening or I forgot it. He seemed to be nervous, might not know how to treat me after he took care of me when I was sick.

"Uhm, Hi?" I watched his lips move as he said that, no, I didn't like him more than a friend you pervs, I hardly even knew him. I heard him gulp, "Night, right? I'm Carson, you most likely know me from when you were ill here."

"Uh huh," I nodded in agreement, "And I might be back to that if my parents decide I'm too sick to stay alone at the castle or walk around town, it's not like I'm contagious or anything. I believe it's just a DNA thing or something like that."

It was Carson's turn to nod, "Yes, while you were unconscious we took a blood test and it seems you do have a blood disease, it saps at your very strength and warmth, that's why you keep passing out or feeling cold."

I blinked confusedly, "Really? Then what does it have to do with the pain in my chest and me being affected by Dream's positivity aura or me throwing up black tar when feelings are too strong?"

I watched his face pale, he seemed to be scared of me or was just scared of what I had said. His hands were fiddling with each other, he must be thinking, "I may have a guess, but I don't know much about auras or why you and Dream apparently have one."

I tilted my head, usually people were freaked out or just walked away without saying anything when I mentioned auras or anything paranormal. Dream just said it's because people don't understand odd things and they wish to not believe it. I decided to let him continue, "Tell me."

"I believe it might be due to something in your soul," He went on, "It's not well known and people don't wish to believe that we have a physical life source that we can see so that's why people don't study about it, but there's this thing called 'soul cancer'. Some people call it 'heart-breaking' or 'heart-broken' and they say it's when you're sad about a loved one, it's the same concept except it's not when you're sad about a loved one."

I furrowed my eyebrows, listening intently, this was new to me. I liked hearing about paranormal stuff, and since I could feel auras why couldn't I believe, check, or feel souls? I stiffened as Carson explained more, "It's the very destruction of your own soul, your very life force. It's not a genetic or DNA problem, we don't know what causes it but we know how it worsens. It can worsen from hate and bullying, or if you hurt your soul, once your soul shatters you're dead."

My breath was shaky, it didn't explain everything but now I had a lead on what my illness might be. I already knew about the blood disease because of the doctors and Carson, but this 'soul cancer' seemed like something that can't be fixed or slowed down unlike how the blood disease might have a cure or could be slowed down. I asked, "Is there a known cure?"

"No," Carson answered, he seemed calm, telling people that they were going to die must be common to him, "At least not yet, most of the doctors here have studied this so they are probably talking about it with your parents right now." He looked at his watch on his wrist, "I have to go, it's passed my stay, I wish you the best of luck Night."

"Thank you, Carson," I replied, "Farewell, I wish a good rest of your day." I smiled as he waved and walked into the next room, heading toward the door. I leaned back against the chair that was propped up against the wall, wondering how long my family was going to be in there. I wished Dream was with me, being alone wasn't nice and making new friends wasn't my strong suite.

I perked up when I heard the door open, it felt like I'd been waiting for hours and I was bored. Dream, Ma, Pa, and the doctor walked out, I smiled, ready for the worst of news. Dream seemed more shifty than usual, which wasn't like him.

"So, uh, darling," My Mom started saying, I sighed and responded, "Get on with it, I don't need any sugar-coating on the situation." I watched her face light up in surprise, I swear she's always less guarded when I'm in the conversation. She started talking, "You may have to be confined to the hospital for life," I opened my mouth, wanting to protest, "But I know you won't like that so we've come up with a compromise that you may or may not like."

Pa started talking now, "You'll have to take a type of medication one the days you're out of the hospital and not when you stay in the hospital, so you can still go out with Dream and do stuff but if your condition gets worse we may have to stop."

I started shaking a tiny bit, this compromise wouldn't seem that bad to other people, but for me it was the worst. I gritted my teeth and forced a smile, "Sure." I hadn't opened my mouth and Dream was looking more sly than ever, "I. Can. Work. With. This."

Mom and Dad smiled lightly, clear worry and relief in their eyes. The doctor seemed pleased with my agreement too, "I'm glad we could come to a conclusion, I promise this is the best for you until we can come up with a better solution. We have also decided that Dream can visit you any time now so he doesn't have to sneak in at night."

I saw Dream's gaze lighten up in surprise and happiness, I let out a sigh of happiness and relief, now Dream could still be with me whenever and I wouldn't be lonely when he was forced to leave. I smiled for real and Dream smiled back, his eyes glimmered with hope now, he made me feel like I could do this.

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