Ch. 14

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This "Witch" - or whatever the Goombas had called her - was becoming a thorn in Bowser's side. Earlier that day, when he was kicking back and relaxing, the Vibe Island High Council had, again, piled up on his doorstep, demanding to be let in. 

Why? The Hoo's Wood had been set ablaze - and apparently, it was Bowser's responsibility to put it out. Annoyed, but not wanting to anger the council, Bowser had dispatched his Paratroopas, armed with water tanks and hoses, to go put out the new fire. They'd recently returned, sweaty and covered in soil and grime and held the heavy scent of smoke. 

Bowser was certain that the Witch had started the fire. His Recon Unit had told him that the Witch and her toads had retreated to the Hoo's Wood a couple of days ago. Who else could have started the fire? 

Bowser honestly didn't care if the Hoo's Wood burned to the ground; he was just annoyed that this Witch kept causing problems that he had to clean up. 

Bowser and the rest of the Vibe Island High Council were now in his dining room, eating roast and salad while they discussed this recent, alarming event. As Bowser gazed around the table, he noticed that one extra person besides Petey was missing: the Hoo. 

"Where's the owl?" he barked. 

"I haven't a clue," the Wiggler said, which surprised Bowser. The Wiggler and the Hoo were good friends. He usually knew her whereabouts. "I haven't heard from her since the last meeting." 

"Her forest was set on fire. I suppose attending to that is more important than attending to this meeting," King Boo pointed out. 

"I'm actually rather surprised that she didn't come," Blizzaurus said. "I'm certain that she'd want to discuss the forest fire and how to deal with those responsible." 

"Who cares?" Bowser snapped. "She can attend the next meeting. Let's get on with this one, shall we?" 

The others nodded in agreement. 

"How's Petey?" the Wiggler asked. 

"Alive," Bowser said testily. "Can we focus on what's important?" He slammed a fist onto the table. "The 'Witch'. I want to know who she is. Why she's here. Why she's causing all of this...mayhem." 

"Hear, hear," King Boo said. 

"She's a criminal," Blizzaurus agreed. "She must be dealt with." 

"Yeah, we need to find this woman and eliminate her as soon as possible," Bowser said. He gazed around the dining room table. "Any one of your regions could be next! Petey's been injured, the Hoo's disappeared... Who knows what could be next on the agenda? Before we know it, the whole island will be up in flames."  

In truth, he didn't really care about if the members of his council were defeated - what he was really worried about was the Witch's power. She had set two regions on fire so far. Just how strong was she? Was she coming for him? If so, could she possibly overpower him? What exactly were her goals? And...was she from the Mushroom Kingdom? Hired by Princess Peach to rescue Mario maybe? 

"So what do you suggest that we do?" Gooper Blooper asked, sucking fish food up in his bowl. 

Bowser bit his lip. Hadn't he done all that he could already? He's sent out all of his Goomba troops to all regions of Vibe Island. None of the other troops had seen her. Even the ones stationed in the Hoo's Wood. In fact, all they had witnessed was the forest fire. There hadn't been a Witch or a toad in sight, according to them, just footprints showing wherever they chose to run. 

"I'm not sure," he admitted, running a claw through his tuft of red hair. "All I can do is dispatch more troops and keep an eye out for any more news of the Witch." 

"Yes, we'll have to keep a tighter watch around the island," the Wiggler agreed. "Personally, I should think that that witch is smart enough to keep away from my region - unless she wants some third-degree burns." 

"So is this meeting adjourned then?" King Boo asked, sipping on some wine. "We keep searching for the witch - that's all right?" 

"I guess," Bowser said, frustrated for not coming up with a better plan. He didn't like leaving matters unsettled like this. When a problem came up, he usually crushed it then and there, no hesitation. 

Curse you, Witch. 

"Well then," King Boo said, standing up. Suddenly, thunder crashed through the sky outside, making the floor of the dining room shake and the water in the Blooper's bowl quake. 

"My, a thunderstorm?" the Wiggler asked. 

"Must be," Bowser said, gazing out of one of the windows. The sky was pitch black, and lightning flashed against the dark storm clouds, accompanied by a crack of thunder. The rain began to pour next, falling heavily against the roof of the Villa. 

"Sounds pretty serious out there," Blizzaurus commented. 

"This just won't do!" King Boo complained. "I can't travel home in this, even if I teleport. Bowser, do you mind if I stay here until it blows over?" 

Bowser scowled. More company? Honestly, he'd bitten off more than he could chew when he'd formed this council. It was supposed to be a backup plan, a way for him to access reinforcements if and when the Mushroom Kingdom came looking for Mario. It wasn't supposed to include sleepovers and annoying tea parties.  

But again, he didn't want to aggravate anybody, so he said, "Whatever. There're extra bedrooms upstairs. Have a Koopa show you to them." He turned to the rest of the council, raising an eyebrow. "Anyone else wanna to stay?" 

Everyone else wanted to stay too. They all feared that the storm wasn't just that, but a tornado blowing through the area. Outside, the Hammer Bros. and the Koopas worked to seal up the Villa as thunder and lightning crashed through the stormy sky.

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