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"All right, sire. You can look now." 

Bowser didn't usually let people blindfold him - as the most notorious villain to ever step foot in the Mushroom Kingdom, he had plenty of enemies out there ready to nab him, including the Mushroom Kingdom military, civilian police, and last but not least that mustachioed nightmare and his loyal gang of followers. 

But blindfolded or not, Bowser trusted Captain Bro. He was by far Bowser's most loyal subject, as he'd proven time and time again over the years. Currently, he was unveiling a birthday present that was supposed to surprise the pants off of Bowser. The big brute reached up and untied his blindfold.  

Before him, three or four miles from the prow of his private yacht, loomed an island. It was a relatively small island, floating by itself all the way out here in the middle of the ocean, and looked to be tropical...on this side, at least. Bowser spied what looked like the peaks of volcanos further in the distance, on the land-mass's other end. 

Bowser glanced down at Captain Bro, who was standing military-style beside him on the deck of his yacht, utterly disappointed. "Island," Bowser said, frowning sharply. "Not sure if I see what the big deal is, minion. If you really wanted to please me, you'd've taken me to Jamaica." 

Captain Bro grinned. "This is your island, sire." 

Bowser's eyebrow lifted. " 'Scuse me?" 

"Yes sir. This island belongs to you. We bought it from Hawaii using several pounds of bullions from your treasure room." 

"Hawaii?" Bowser stammered. He glanced around, past the fleet of smaller, commercial boats that had accompanied his yacht out on this sail. "I don't see Hawaii anywhere. Where in blazes are we?" 

"About a hundred miles west of Hawaii, sir," the Captain said. "They're the only providence in this area with jurisdiction over this island, so we bought it from them." 

"And who told you that you could just go around spending my coins, soldier?" 

Captain Bro paled - "soldier" was a pretty derogatory label in Bowser's army. "I-I..." The Hammer Bro cleared his throat. "I'm...sorry if that displeases you sir. This is a project that me and the rest of the Hammer Bro regiment have been working on for quite some time. We figured that, with all the hassle you've gone through in the Mushroom Kingdom, you might want a real place to call your this island." 

"And you thought that you'd just go behind my back, use my coins, and do this project on your own without my permission?" Bowser snarled. "Me, your king? The guy that houses you? Pays you? Feeds you?" 

"Y-y-y-yes sir." Captain Bro saluted sharply, as if that would make a difference. Bowser turned back towards the ocean, studying the island as the fleet floated closer and closer to the nearest beach. The silence was terrifying - Captain Bro felt that Bowser would singe him to a crisp with his fire breath at any moment. 

"S-sir?" he said tentatively. 

"Shut your yap, Captain," Bowser said. "I'm still deciding whether or not to give you a pat on the back or throw you overboard."  

Captain Bro paled. 

After a moment, Bowser reached down and slapped Captain Bro on the back, nearly sending the poor Hammer Bro to his knees. "Welp, today's your lucky day, Cap," Bowser said, chuckling to himself. "I'm in a good mood. Let's go see this island of yours." 

"Yes sir!" Captain Bro snapped up another salute and then headed below deck to give the yacht captain further orders. But just before he turned into the engine room, he reached back and pulled a Shellciever out of his shell, tapping the buttons until he was on a secure line. 

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