Closing Note

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Well, that's it. It's over. Did you like it?

Of course, this book only covered the first four regions of Vibe Island. Princess Peach and her brave toads still have to wear through Wavy Beach, Gleam Glacier, Giddy Sky, and Bowser's Villa. So will there be a sequel? Yes.

But! As there's about a billion OTHER stories I'm working on (primarily Smash Games), the sequel will not be coming out for...FOREVER! Well, not forever, but not for a long while. So if you really liked the story, don't get your hopes up!

Notes on SPP:

~I own all the toads except for Toadsworth, Dr. Toadley (from Bowser's Inside Story), and the regular Toad. I already said this in the OC Catalogue, but do NOT use Toadonelly without permission unless you have a death wish >:( 

~If you guys can think up of some names for the other  unnamed toads, go ahead and comment with your suggestion.

~I used to read this to my mom and brother. As in, I'd have story time with them, and they absolutely loved it!


--Kimiko Gray, March 13, 2015

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