Ch. 19, Pt. 2

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"Time to go!" Toadkins gasped. 

"Quickly!" Peach shouted. "Everyone out the window! Locate the rope and move hand-over-hand across the cliff!" 

"You're nuts!" Moretoad shouted as he and his brother raced by. 

"My nuttiness is going to keep you from getting killed!" Peach shot back. Boos were beginning to rise out of the floor and through the door again. They spotted Peach and grinned, floating closer and gnashing teeth. 

The toads, against their will, began to clamber out the window and onto the slippery roof. They very carefully climbed under the rope and grabbed ahold. The rope was so slippery that they very easily began to slide down and on to the other side. Toadlee unhooked his belt and used it to zip-line over to the other side, and the remaining toads soon adopted this idea. Before Peach knew it, everyone was outside and onto the rope. That left her with the Boos. 

"Your time is up, witchy!" a Boo with incredibly sharp teeth sneered, grinning widely.  

Peach grabbed her Rage Stone and closed her eyes. DO NOT set me on fire, she thought. Instead, give me a furious glow - make me shine so bright that it will stun the Boos. As she said the words, Peach felt a warm, angry feeling flow into the pit of her stomach. Her body suddenly burst with red, and tongues of light reached out from all parts of her body towards the Boos and Dry Bones. The skeletal Koopas were slightly blinded, but the Boos couldn't seem to stand the light. Squeaking and shrieking, they tumbled backwards, shielding their eyes with their short little arms. 

Peach saw that they were sufficiently distracted and, satisfied, quickly cancelled the stone and leapt out the window. The roof was much more slippery than she had imagined, and she almost slipped and fell, but she grabbed the rope before she could fall. Slicked with rain, she shot forward, holding on for dear life, her bare feet dangling over the ravine.  

She finally came to a stop near the middle of the rope. Toader and a couple of toads before him had stopped too. Ahead of them, Peach could see the edge of the other side of the cliff. A whole group of toads were already standing there, having safely bested the voyage. 

"Okay, calm down!" Peach cried through the pounding of the rain. "Hand-over-hand, boys! Stay calm, and don't slip!" They slowly began to progress to the other side.  

Booella, her fiancé, and a few other Boos appeared in the window, which was far behind them. "Blast!" Baxter Boo cried. "They're getting away!" 

"Shouldn't we chase them?" Sonny Boo asked. His mother hushed him. 

"We can't!" another she-Boo snapped. "Boos can float, but they can't fly. I suppose we'll have to wait until the King gets here." 

"Nonsense, we can take care of them right now," Booella declared. "Googley Boogley! Step forward." 

" 'Ella - " Baxter Boo began. 

"Hush, love, I know what I'm doing," she said as the Boo with the sharp teeth floated next to them. "Googley Boogley, you've got the sharpest teeth around - cut this rope and send those toads and their witch to their dooms!" 

"Booella - " Baxter Boo tried again. 

It was too late. Peach gasped as Googley Boogley floated onto the roof and gripped the rope through this teeth. She snapped her head around. "Faster!" she shouted. "Climb faster!" 

Toader and Toadlee and the others began to panic, rapidly jerking forward across the rope. 

Pop! Peach felt the rope loosen and her heart drop. Googley Boogley had gnawed through the rope!  

And slowly, they began to fall.

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