Ch. 21

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The Boos all surged towards Peach, gliding right through the toads when they tried to stop them. Peach backed all the way up to the edge of the cliff and then activated her Rage Stone, sending bursts of flame extending in all directions. The Boos froze at the bright heat and began to back away. Peach stepped forward and the Boos glided back, retreating from her fiery power.  

It was raining hard, so even when Peach extended her fire power, nothing caught on fire. Peach walked them back until they were huddled around the King Boo again. Their master seemed more immune to the brightness of light. He observed Peach with calculating eyes. 

"Impressive," he admitted.  

"I think I'll do the talking here," Peach said coldly. "I have some questions-you'd better give me suitable answers or I'll destroy you're little goons." 

King Boo grinned. "Agreed." 

"First: what have we done to upset you?" 

"That's easy," King Boo sneered. "First - and foremost - you've invaded my home without any permission other than that of your own whims. You've no idea of how long Shriek Mansion's been standing: for eons and eons, it's been the living headquarters of Boos that have no other regular haunts to live in. This region is dark and brooding in itself, but Shriek Mansion is the darkest haunt around - therefore fit for Boos, which you have invaded. And cleaned." 

"Second, you are the Witch. As of late, you've been the most notorious of the villains that have ever been present on this island. This is why the VIHC was created-to eliminate you and your toad-y threat." 

"The Vibe Island High Council," Peach said. The King Boo looked surprised. 

"Ah, so you know it then?" 

"Bowser's tricked you," Peach said. Her flare began to ebb slightly, and the Boos leapt forward, but the King raised his hand and they reluctantly held back. "The council was created to keep me from rescuing a friend that he single-handedly captured. He's turned you against me without any cause." 

"Hardly. You've put Ladida Plains and the Hoo's Wood up in flames," the King snarled. "Right now, Petey is gravely ill and the Hoo is missing. I should think that she's looking for you right now, searching for you so that she can rip you limb from limb." 

"I'd like to speak for myself, thank you," a voice said before Peach could speak. With a flap of wings, the Hoo dipped down and landed right in between Peach and the King Boo. The giant ghost and his comrades looked shocked. 

"Hoo?" the King cried. "'re here! can speak!" 

"I don't speak often, not unless I need to talk to someone who doesn't understand Owl," the Hoo retorted. "I have the Wiggler for that." 

The King Boo's eyebrow crinkled. "What's the meaning of this, Hoo? You're alive and you don't attend the latest council meeting?" 

"I've dropped from the council," the Hoo declared. 

The King's jaw dropped. "Whyever so?" 

"Because the Kamek - and the Witch - are correct," the Hoo stated. "Bowser is a tyrant that wants nothing but power and domination. His hand on the Vibe Scepter should be sufficient proof of that. He has kidnapped, pillaged, and lied without reason. The Princess had told me of that. I believe that she is correct." 

The King seemed to have been stuck on the first sentence out of the owl's mouth. "You're defending the Witch!" he screeched in fury. 

"With just cause," the Hoo retorted. 

"This is inexcusable!" The King was furious. "What reason do you have for defending her? Have you seen your forest? Everything is in ashes." 

"That may be so," the Hoo snapped. "But she is gifted...with the Vibe Necklace." 

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