Ch. 5, Pt. 2

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A couple of hours later, around noon, Bowser sat at his long dinner table, waiting for his guests to arrive. He's successfully drafted and then written out his plans and a short speech, but, he admitted to himself, he was kinda nervous. The guests he was expecting were the most powerful people in the land, maybe even more powerful than, that couldn't be possible. He had the Vibe Scepter. He was the most powerful person on the island. He shouldn't be nervous. Technically, he ruled these people!! 

He pulled the Vibe Scepter up from where it sat in his lap and placed it on the table. Sure, it was a symbol of power and had mysterious abilities, but so far, this stick had been a lot more bothersome than it was worth. After that dumb Goomba had cast some creepy, mood-altering spell on him the first day in the Villa, he'd locked it away for safekeeping, not even sure if he wanted to use it. 

Today was the first day he'd taken it out since. So far, it was acting like a normal scepter, but Bowser worried that if he waved it around or something, it would go all radioactive on him. He certainly hoped not. He would need it, in a little while, for his planned power play. 

There was a quiet knock on the dining room door. "Bowser, your guests are here." 

"What are you waiting for? Let them in!" Anxiety made him snappy. 

The door opened...and a huge piranha plant walked in. His red mouth was covered with white spots, and dagger-sharp teeth lined his pale white lips. "This the place?" he asked, looking around the huge room. "Nice digs you got here." 

"Indeed." Right after the piranha plant came in, an extremely large Wiggler that had eight yellow segments decorated with brown spots. He was walking on all 28 feet and had a flower poking out of his head. 

Two more creatures entered the room on either end of a huge fishbowl that could hardly fit through the door. The first one was a large dragon that was an unusual shade of chilly blue. The second was an enormous owl with auburn and green plumage that was steady pushing the fishbowl through the door. In the large bowl was a gigantic Glooper with six tentacles. He was pressing his face against the sides of the bowl so that he could see better. 

The last two guests floated in after them. One was an enormous ghost with a crown that sat on his head. He was grinning widely, yielding a view of four sharp teeth and a pink tongue. The last guest, however, was not smiling, but frowning deeply. He looked to be a magician of some sort, with a boldly hooked nose and a pair of large triangular glasses. He was wrapped up in a purple cloak that blew out behind him, making him look powerful and menacing.  

As the dragon and the owl struggled to push the fishbowl into the room, King Boo glanced up at the chandelier hanging above the table. "Dear me!" he said. "This light is awfully bright...Bowser, that's your name, correct?" 

"Er, yeah." 

"Could you blow out some of those candles? I forgot to bring my sunglasses with me, and I find it too be much too bright in here." 

Bowser frowned, but snapped his fingers, and a Koopa rushed in with a ladder and blew out four of the ten candles on the chandelier. Honestly, the King Boo should've been glad that the room didn't have windows. 

The room darkened. King Boo sighed. "Ah, that's better. Now then. Why don't we take our seats, everyone?" 

The strange array of figures crowded on Bowser's end of the table. The magician sat the farthest away, and the piranha and King Boo up near Bowser. The Wiggler had a bit of trouble getting into a chair he was so long. He finally sufficed with clearing an area for himself, standing up on four segments, and then bending over the table. The blue dragon and the owl set to work clearing a space for the giant Glooper, and then settled into two chairs for themselves. 

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