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The reunion of toads back at Shriek Mansion was a tear-inducing one. There were many hugs, cries of joy, and manly slaps on the back (most of them given by Captain T and Toadore). Toadrian was shocked when he heard of the adventures of his comrades at Shriek Mansion, and even more so when he saw Toadmi's grave. Toadmi had been a good friend of his and Toadkins. Several other toads mourned their comrade's death as well. 

Even so, the dominant emotion at this reunion was joy and happiness. Toaddette announced that she would cook a huge pot of pucker bud soup (lots of "what the flipnaud?" from many of the new toads) to celebrate. Many of the toads were secretly getting sick of the soup, but the newbies were excited to finally have something solid in their stomachs after days without food or water. Some practically fainted when they heard that wine was actually available. 

Peach was the only one not in a celebratory mood. In fact, she was locked in her room, having tied the door shut with a long piece of rope, and she didn't allow anyone to come inside. Not even Toaddette, and the girl had knocked on the princess's door several times, asking if she wanted something to eat. She'd given up after try five. 

Peach sat on the bed, staring down at the broken pieces of the Joyful Stone. Tears had long since drenched the front of her dress, and self-accusing thoughts ricocheted through her mind: 

What have I done? 

How could I allow this to happen? 

I was TRUSTED with the Vibe Necklace. And now look at what's happened! 

What can I do? 

How can I atone for this? 

She sat like this for hours, washing in the waves of depression, hardly noticing the hunger rumbling in her stomach or the exhaustion causing her limbs to ache. She only saw the shattered Joyful Stone, and repeated to herself over and over that it was her fault. 

Night fell, but Peach hardly noticed. Until, that is, the other three stones on the Vibe Necklace began to glow. Brightly. For the first time, Peach's gaze snapped from the remnants of the Joyful Stone, and she looked down towards the necklace glowing on her neck like an incomplete rainbow. Eventually, it unhooked itself from around her neck and hovered in the air above Peach. The princess vaguely recalled something similar happening when she'd first received the necklace. At that instance, the stones had spoken to her. 

It is us, Princess Peach Toadstool. Your companions, Rage, Calm, and Gloom. 

They didn't sound angry. In fact, they sounded kind. Welcoming. Peach blurted, "I'm sorry!" When there was no reply, she pointed to the Joyful Stone and said, "This is all my fault! I shouldn't have underestimated my enemies. Because I did, it cost me Joyful." She burst into tears again, though she'd thought that she had none left. "I'm sure you can never forgive me for this. And if you want to punish me, then I don't mind. I deserve it. I've destroyed something pure and good!" 

There was a long pause in which no replies came. Peach stared at the hovering necklace, trying to sense some sort of reaction, but she wasn't good at observing the reactions of objects that were supposed to be inanimate.  

We do not blame you for what has happened, Calm said. Peach could tell this particular stone was talking because it was glowing even more brightly than the other two.  

You did what you thought was right, Rage said. Your intentions were to save your toads from the cruel Wigglites. For that, we cannot say that you have done anything wrong. 

Joyful's purpose was to serve you and aid you when needed, Gloom added. Had it not defended you in the end, you would be dead now, and all would be lost.  

"But...I destroyed it!" Peach whimpered. "Please! I know you're just trying to make me feel better, but I can't just accept that Joyful is gone! I have to fix that stone! Somehow! Is it possible?" 

Peace, Peach, Calm said, and a glowing green bubble appeared around Peach's body, pushing away her depression and giving her a feeling of peace and calm. We are pleased that you are eager to atone for what has happened. 

"Is there a way?" Peach repeated. 

There is, Rage said. Peach Toadstool, you must understand that the Vibe Necklace's power is unrivaled, except to that of the Vibe Scepter. It would take an unearthly amount of power to repair a stone that was broken. Breaking the stone in the first place is nearly impossible. Only one person we know of can repair it. 

"Who?" Peach asked desperately. "I'll find him, I promise! I'll hunt over Vibe Island until I find him!" 

He is a magician, Gloom said. As it spoke, the necklace's strong glow began to fade. A powerful magician. He still harbors the magic of old. 

Unfortunately, he is the last magician of his class, Calm said. The last descendant of a great group of magicians.  

"What's his name?" Peach asked. But the glow of the necklace faded, and it reattached itself around Peach's neck before she could get an answer. 

A magician. A great magician. The only one in his class. Who could that be? Peach mused. 

A knock at the door. "Princess?" Toaddette's voice. 

Peach sighed. "Yes, Toaddette?"  

She seemed surprised that Peach actually answered. "Would you like something to eat?" she asked gently. "Everyone else has gone to bed. The dining room is empty, except for Toadore and Toader playing cards." 

"All right, Toaddette. I'll be down in a minute." 

"All right. I'll have your soup ready by then." Footsteps faded down the hall. 

Peach located a handkerchief in her suitcase and placed all of the shards of the Joyful Stone safely inside. Then, she placed the handkerchief in a zipper in her suitcase, closed it, and stuffed it under the bed. She was thinking up a storm as she exited the bedroom and descended down the stairs. 

A magician. A great magician. A last descendant, and the last in his class. 

Who could that be? she wondered over and over. 

When she hit the bottom of the stairs, she got it. 

"The Kamek," she whispered to herself.  

Of course.

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