SPP2 Sneak Preview

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Hi guys! Kimcgray95 here. As you can see, I'm a fan of bonus chapters. I think it's a good way to treat readers who really enjoy the books I write.

So in appreciation for SPP fans, and in celebration of this book reaching 1K reads, I present to you a sneak peek of Super Princess Peach 2!

Enjoy the sneak preview, but REMEMBER: the book itself will not be coming out for a long, long time. I can't even speculate on the release. Why? Because, as you've heard me say plenty of times before, Kimiko Gray is that one girl that likes to write thousands of stories at one time, and she focuses on some more than others.

And besides that, no offense, but I don't want to rush and write the story, just because people on wattpad are excited about it. Believe me, the story will be crappy if I do that. I need to take my time and make sure I put all the elements I feel are necessary in the story. So chew on this sneak preview, but don't expect anything for a long time!


The quest to rescue Mario and his friends continues as Peach and her loyal gang of toads traverse the remaining regions of Vibe Island, looking for other stranded toads...and a way to repair the Joyful Stone.

Will Princess Peach find a way to repair the stone that she uses - and trusts - the most? Or is repairing Joyful a lost cause? Can she reach - and defeat - Bowser without it?


[Begin excerpt]

"That thing's unstable, lady!" Stevie warned her. "Be careful!"

"Just get the toads out!" she yelled back. In acknowledgement, the ship dipped underwater. Peach turned back to face her foe.

The Gooper Blooper was currently spinning rapidly, trying to figure out where she'd gone. "WHERE DID YOU GO?" he roared. "OVER HERE?" He smashed a tentacle into a nearby cliff, spraying rubble into the water below. "OR HERE?" He hit the opposite side of the bay, with identical results.

"I'm right here, you big, smelly squid!" Peach yelled sending a fireball at his back. It blackened the backside of his pod with a steaming hiss, and the squid screamed and whirled.

"THERE!" he shouted, smashing another cliff side.

"No, here!" Peach shouted. This time, instead of a fireball, she just launched a steady stream of fire at him. The attack singed one of his tentacles, causing him to squirm and squeal in pain.

"WHY YOU!" The Blooper must have finally located her, because he slammed a tentacle down in the water directly beside the lodged stalagmite. A wave of water splashed up on Peach, diffusing Rage's power a hiss of steam, and sending her sliding down in the water below. Peach flailed frantically as the water surged over her head. She had just resurfaced when a thick tentacle reached down, wrapped around her, and swept her high into the air. A moment later, Peach was looking directly into the Gooper Blooper's one good eye.

"HMPH!" he cried, squeezing her tightly. "HOW IS IT THAT SOMEONE SO SMALL CAN BE SO TROUBLESOME?"

Peach felt her bones creaking. She wrenched her body this way and that, her hands braced against the Blooper's tentacle, trying to wriggle free. "Let me go!"


Peach continued to squirm. "You mean the Hoo?" she hissed.

The Blooper squeezed her tighter - Peach screamed. "YOU ARE WELL INFORMED," he observed, "NO DOUBT THANKS TO THAT TRECHEROUS HOO."

Peach felt angry - the Hoo was a valuable ally and a kind friend. She was anything but treacherous. "Please!" she snapped. "I didn't turn anyone against anything! The Hoo came to our side on her own accord. She chose to believe me about Bowser. She chose to accept the truth!"

"SILENCE!" the Blooper roared.

"Lady!" A faint echo met her ears. Peach looked downward - far, far below - to see the Star Ship floating above water. A gigantic hole had opened up in the top, and she could see the faint shapes of many toads within. Had they rescued everyone?

Wincing, Peach glared at the Blooper. "You can choose to believe the truth too," she hissed through gritted teeth. "Do you really think that Bowser is such a good guy?"

The Blooper's singular eye narrowed. "HOW DARE YOU," he snarled. "YOU ARE IN NO POSITION TO - "

Now! Peach activated Rage again, and slapped her palm against the tentacle wrapped around her. Scalding heat spread across the skin, making the big squid scream. His hold loosened, and Peach fell.

[end excerpt]


Confused? Good. That's the point.

I hope you enjoyed the excerpt. But keep in mind that it may be edited in the actual release.

Thank you so much, Super Princess Peach fans! See you in book 2!

-Kimiko Gray

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