Ch. 6, Pt. 2

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"Wow, would you look at that!" Perry exclaimed.  

Peach's necklace of glowing hearts was slipping over her head, rising above both of them. As the hearts seemed to blast with light, Peach began to hear voices in her head: 

Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, welcome. Peach froze. She couldn't believe this was happening. The necklace was...talking! We are the creators of Vibe Island, the four emotions that created chaos and, with the help of a few fine heroes, was reduced to the land under your feet.  

Destiny has brought you here, princess. An evil hand grips the scepter as we speak. The fate of the island now rests in your hands as we fall into your possession. 

"Peach?" Perry asked, looking worried as Peach continually stared up at the floating, glowing necklace. He obviously wasn't hearing the voices that Peach was hearing.  

We have always been the bane of the Scepter, the necklace continued. We can only be used for good, which was why the island revealed the cave to you when you put your palm upon the handprint. Take us and use us on your journey to save the island and your friends. But be mindful of our powers: you have not yet bore witness to the power of emotions. The hearts blasted Peach with a ray of blinding light. Take us Princess! Rage, Joy, Gloom, and Calm! The light changed colors as the emotions were shouted in Peach's head - red, then yellow, then blue, then green. The green glow hovered in the air for a moment before flying over to Peach's wounded arm and soaking into her skin. 

Peach gasped as warmth gripped her arm. All at once it ceased, and the necklace floated over and wrapped around her neck again. When the light finally faded, she collapsed onto the floor. 

"Princess!" Perry rushed over and hooked his handle under the hem of her dress, helping her sit up. "Are you all right?! What happened? You were hypnotized and then..." 

"I'm fine, Perry." Surprising herself, she sat up on her bad arm and scrambled into a sitting position. It didn't hurt at all! "Perry! I think...I think I'm healed!" 

"What?" Perry watched in shock as Peach ripped out of her cast and waved her arm around. "Wow! You are!" 

"I think I know." Peach looked down at her necklace. The green heart in the middle was still glowing faintly. "I think this Vibe stone healed me. The..." She remembered the voices in her head. "The Calm Stone." 

"That must have been that green light that hit you in your arm," Perry said. "Okay, so what happened while you were hypnotized?" 

"There were these voices in my head," Peach remembered. "They...I think they were personifications of Happiness, Sadness, Anger, and Peace." 

"The emotions that supposedly created Vibe Island?" Perry exclaimed. "So the legends are true...!" 

"Yes," Peach replied, hardly believing it herself. "They told me that they could only be used for good, and that someone evil has possession of the Scepter, and that I was to use them to defeat him."  

"The Scepter...Bowser," Perry growled. 

"It must be him," Peach agreed.  

"That's great!" Perry said, perking up. "So now, all we have to do is get to wherever Bowser's hiding and get back Mario." 

"Actually, we can't do that just yet," Peach said. 

"Huh?" Perry's face fell. "We can't? Why not?" 

"The voices, they...they said something about saving my friends," Peach said. 

"Right: Mario, Luigi, and - " 

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