Chapter 14 - 12 days of Christmas

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" What? You want me to forgive him?!!!" 

" Josh! Matt is falling apart without you. Please, understand. And if its continue like that, Marianas Trench will fall apart too, im pretty sure"

" He kissed you ! A-a-and he -" I stopped him

"YOU kissed Amanda and I forgave you!! Why you can’t do the same with Matt?"

" You know I was drunk..." 

" So Matt was too! Come on josh, you make no sense right now. Please tell me that you will talk with him." he turned his back from me

" Josh... Please" I put my hand on his shoulder. He didn’t answer

" Josh... I don’t want to fight. Just, please tell me that you’re gonna go talk to Matt"

He turned back and put his arm around me.

‘’Sorry Ashley, I didn't want to have this little fight. Sorry. I'll go talk to Matt ok? 

"Thank you Josh, you're the best." 

'' I know, that's why you love me'' I laughed, pushing him. I guess I pushed him too hard , he actually felt on the ground. 

'' Oh sorry I didn't want to push you on the ground'' He smirked, with his evil eyes,

'' Ah yeah? Well, too bad''

He grabbed my arm and pulled me over him. I smirked. He kissed me on the top of my nose. After a couple minutes of cuddling on the floor, he got up and started to get ready to go at Matt's.


Arrived at Matt's house, he was really surprised to see me. We went on the living room and we sat. 

'' I wasn't expecting to see you '' he said, putting his hands together

'' Well, I talked with Ashley today and she made me realize that I was stupid. ''

'' You're not stupid Josh. I understand why you were angry at me and I feel so bad about it. I regret every single word I said and every single thing I did. I am so sorry. You're my best friend. You’ve always been, and you'll always be... God, I was so damn stupid! And I am really happy that Ashley told you to come here. I missed you buddy!'' He hugged me.

'' Now it will be easier to work, those last weeks was kind of hard for the work because we weren't talking. '' 

'' Yeah, we should actually get to work today. I know you were working on new songs.''

'' Yeah and actually, I will make a duet with Ashley for one of them'' 

''Really? Wow! That will be cool!! Fans will love that!''

'' Yeah I hope. It will be even better than Good To You ''

'' Let me see this, wanna go with me at the studio? Mike and Ian will probly come later.''

'' Great idea. We'll stop for Ashley so we'll show you what it looks like.''

''Perfect, let's go''

We got up and went on the car. We got back at my apartment to pick up Ashley and we went to the studio. With the time we get there, the 2 guys were already there. After some chatting, me and Ashley showed the guys what we were working on yesterday. They really loved it. After that, we got the chance to jam a bit all together. I am happy that I made peace with Matt. Ashley was right; Marianas Trench would of felt apart if Matt and I would have continue like that.

For dinner, we went at the restaurant all together. Tamara was finish working so she came with us. We were walking down the street and when I looked behind me, where Ian and Tamara was, I saw them holding hands. 

'' Ohhw what's going on with you guys? 

'' Haha, nothing Josh'' Ian said, awkwardly.

''Well, this doesnt look like nothing. So tell me what's going on with you two, little birds ? ''

'' Come on Josh, stop it'' Tamara seemed a little bit shy,

I laughed.

They were cute. Ashley told me that they’re something going on with those two. She made me promise to tell nothing, but those last days, it was pretty obvious I think. They were always looking at each other and stuff like that. Ian deserves to be happy so I guess it's good for him.

Arrived in the restaurant, we all sat and talked before the waitress came to pick our orders. We talked about what we'll do for Christmas time. I told everyone that Ashley and I will visit my family and that I'll do a special surprise for Ashley.

'' I wanna know what is it!!'' Ashley said, jumping on her chair. 

'' Well if I tell you, It will no longer be a surprise'' 

'' Come on Josh, tell her a hint'' Mike said, smiling on the back of the table. 

'' Yeah dude, we wanna know '' Tamara said

'' Ok then... Honey '' I looked at Ashley in her eyes, '' I'll make a 12 days of christmas with you. Each day starting with the 14th, I will have a little surprise for you.'' She smiled

'' Ahhw you are such a lovely boy Josh ''

'' Matt, shut up '' We all laughed

'' You are so sweet me amor.'' She kissed me on the top of my nose. I love when she do that.

During the dinner, we made some plans for the vacation. The guys, Brett, Tamara, Ashley, Megan and I will go skiing in Whistler. This will be so fun. Me and Ashley will also go somewhere else but this is still a surprise for her. One of my gifts to her. But I hope she'll love the first one I’ll give her on the 14th.

Hint: If you like it you should put a ring on it.

My little perfect porcelain <3 

Porcelain, I'll be the greatest fan of your life (Marianas Trench Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now