Chapter 16 - Why Amanda ?

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''Josh !! Get up, I’ll be late for my class’’

We were in the first week of January. Josh and I had great holidays. With his surprises for ''12 days of Christmas’’ he gave me a lot of gifts. One of the greatest gift he gave me, except the promise ring, was to pay for the half of my tuition fees. This really helped me, even if I said to Josh that he doesn’t have to do all this. He was so cute.

Christmas dinner with the Ramsay family was great. I had the chance to finally meet his parents. They were so nice. They said to Josh that I was such a lovely girl and he should keep me. The skiing in Whistler was so crazy. We had so much fun. For once, some of us got drunk and didn’t mess everything. I think in this little trip, Tamara and Ian have started to get serious. They were so cute together.

But now, I had to start the class. I was so excited! This program will really help me to continue in what I want to do with my life: Music.

So, when Josh woke up, he drove me to the Academy and he went to the studio. He have a lot of work to do.

I entered in my first time and told to myself : Yup, this is where its all begin!


''Josh, we go back on tour''

''What ? Are you serious Jonathan? ''

'' Yep. But you need to work a lot for this one. The dates are already official but we have a lot of work to do. So this mean : You have to be at the studio EVERY DAY for the next month. Maybe more. This is big tour. Carly will tour with you and Jessica will probly come too, to play Good To You. Anyway, I have all the details here. So, look at this document and tell me your thoughts... Oh and Tamara will be the guitar tech for this one. Brett too, but not for all shows. He cant go for the east side of the country Shows.

I took the document and read it all. Wow, this is going to be a great tour. With all the big set up, we'll have to work a lot. I have to finish my new song if I want to play it on this tour. And, if I do that, maybe I can get Ashley to come with us !

I went in Jonathan's office and told him my thoughts about the tour. I told him the details I wanted to chance and after that, I asked him if I could do the new song I was working on.

'' Josh, we can't do that. You are already doing the duet with Jessica and you'll do one with Carly. It's enough. No new song, and no Ashley. Deal ? ''

'' The fuck , why!!?''

'' I said, no new song on this tour. That's it. Keep this for the deluxe CD''

'' Yeah...'' 

When I was walking by the door, Jonathan stopped me. 

'' I forgot a little details in the tour plans. The tour designer and stylist is Amanda McEwan. ''

'' WHAT?????'' 

'' She was the only one who could do it. You'll have to get over your old little kid feelings''

I slammed the door and went outside to take some air. 

Ok, let's refresh : 
I will be at work every day for the next month
I'll have to tour, without Ashley with me but with 2 other girls
I'll have to work with Amanda

How can I say that to Ashley ? She will kill me.

When the guys arrived at the studio, they looked at me and knew there was something going on.

'' Josh, what's up ? '' Matt said

'' Well, we're going on tour.''

'' What? That is awesome" Mike said, giving Ian a high-five

'' Yeah it is. But, Ashley cant come, the designer is Amanda and we'll be at work every single day of January and probly february. ''

'' Ohh really ? Why Jonathan chose Amanda ? And why Ashley can't come ?''

'' Because he's an ass. Anyway, Ian, you'll be happy. Tamara will be on the tour. She's the guitar tech for the shows where Bret can't come.''

'' Oh that is cool !'' Ian said, with a big smile on his face.

'' Yeah.. but, enough talk. Let's go to work guys. ''

So we entered the studio and went to work. I texted my sweetheart to tell her that she'll have to take a taxi after her class to go home. I'll be late at the studio tonight.

Later on that night ........

When I went home, Ashley was waiting for me on the couch, half asleep . I sat beside her and kissed her forehead.

'' Hey babe. You're late. '' 

'' Sorry I had a lot of work to do. And actually, I have some stuff to tell you.''

'' Oh it's about what ?''

'' Well, it's about the band. We are going on tour in march.''

'' WHAT? It's awesome Josh ! I am so happy for you!!! '' She said, jumping in my arm.

'' Yeah but, here's the thing. I am touring with Carly and Jessica. And I thought that you could come with us to perform our new song but, jonathan said no.''

Her face dropped. 

'' Oh. But still, i am happy for you'' she said, putting her hand on my arm.

'' It's not just that. I'll be at work everyday for the next month. And.... Our new designer and stylist for the tour is... Amanda.. ''

'' What ? '' Her eyes was starting to be wet. 

'' I am sorry Ashley. I didn't take this decision. It was all Jon. But you can trust me. Nothing will happen. It's just for the job.''

'' Let's go to sleep. '' She got up and went to the bedroom. I heard she was crying a bit. 

'' Ashley, please come here''

But she closed the door. I crossed my hand, shook my head and whispered. I joined her in the bed and felt asleep.

I don't want her to be sad. But those next months will be hard on us. 

NOTE *****  I have nothing against the real Amanda McEwan ! I just want to make her the little bitch in my story :P but I don't have NOTHING against her ! Just to be clear !! It's just a story :)!! thanks for reading :D 

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