Chapter 6 - You know me better than anyone else

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Finally, it is 7:45! I packed my bags and I have everything ready for tomorrow. I haven't been able to sleep. I was too excited! I can't believe I'm going on vacation with Josh and the guys. Josh ... wow. Yesterday was so perfect. His lips were so soft. I can't wait to see him. My sister gave me money for the trip. I'm going to enjoy it and not think about my ordinary life.

As I picked up my last things I heard someone at the door: It was Josh. When he saw me, he immediately hugged me. He was so hot with his black shirt, white tie and skinnys.

"Good morning, young lady. Are you okay?"

" It could not get better, I'd say.'' He smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek

" Are you ready for adventure?"

"Yes I am!"

"You want me to help you?"

" Yeah come on in!"

We picked up my things and went to the place behind the SUV. Mike drove because he was the only one who knew the way. I sat in the back with Josh. The drive was about 3 hours so we stop to get something to eat. While Ian and Matt fell asleep, Josh and I talked about everything and nothing; He spoke a bit about his past, when he was young and all, I saw in his eyes that it was hard. I took his hand, I looked him in the eyes and I told him that everything was okay. He did not need to talk about it if he couldn't handle it. He looked at me, smiled and kissed me so gently. I sneak under his arm and closed my eyes. I was tired. When I opened again, we were in Halifax.

"Welcome to the world again. Did you sleep well?"

" Oh yes! Especially in your arms. I slept like a big baby! Will we be at Megan's soon?"

"In about 20 minutes, then we'll go to dinner and go to our hotel to get our things. After that, we'll see!"

"Perfect! But then, how it goes for the rooms? Who sleeps with who?"|

" I rented three rooms! Me and Megan, Matt and Ian, and Josh and you, if you're okay with that Ashley?" Mike said

"I'm good! But I don't know what Mr. Ramsay thinks about it! Do you want a room with me? You'll have to be with me the whole time."

"Hm, tough decision! But I think I can handle it."

He kissed me and put his arm around my shoulders. While we were in the road to Megan, we decided to take a picture. He took my cell phone and we did our photo shoot. It was full of weird things and we laughed so hard that Ian woke up. He turned to us and took a picture with us. What beautiful memories. After that, I took my cell phone and I went on twitter.

I wrote: Those moments where you couldn't be happier <3 #YouCouldBeMyEverAfter.

Josh did the same thing: I could be your perfect disaster ... #Porcelain


When we got to Megan's, Mike went to say hello to her parents. Of course, Megan wasn't there. She would be there tonight. Her flight hadn't landed yet. We all chatted a bit with them and then we took off for dinner.

We went to a small restaurant not too far away. We bumped in to some fans, took some pictures. We took the road to the hotel, which was on the other side of town. Once we got there, Mike made the arrangements while Ashley and I got to bring our things in our room. We had to get down in 15 minutes. We took the opportunity to cuddle a bit. There were two beds, but I thought that tonight we should sleep together. I feel good with her. Her perfume was driving me crazy. Her skin was so soft. We cuddled and that's it. No words, nothing. Only this beautiful girl in my arms. We could have stayed for hours, but Ian came knocking on our door.

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