Chapter 12 - The Secret Porcelain

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  I can’t even handle myself. It’s been a month now since my audition and three weeks since I saw Josh. My mind is going crazy. My body too. I needed him. But let’s refresh a little bit...

Right after my audition, M. Joseph was so amazed by my performance that he said I was accepted even before making sure with his colleagues. After that, I stayed a couple days in Van city and I had to go back to Moncton to bring all my stuff here. We also find a job for Tamara and she’ll be staying at Ian’s basement until we find a place for us. Josh doesn’t have enough room in his apartment for her so, Tam will work as an assistant at the studio and when Brett will take his vacation, she will replace him as a guitar tech.

After I left for Moncton, the guys were going on tour so I decided to stay here and prepared everything before moving. I had a hard time with my mom. She didn’t know I was going to move in Vancouver. When my sister told her, she came there and insulted me so bad. The tension went high and I just burst. I told her everything I had on my mind and she actually stopped. 

I fixed the money stuff for the academy. My sister gave me money from her saving account and I made a loan from the bank.

So now, me and Tamara, we’re on a plane straight to Vancouver. Josh is still in Toronto but he’ll be back tomorrow. I told him I was coming in a week so it will be a surprise ! 

Arrived at Vancouver, we took a cab and went to the hotel. We had nothing to do so I got on my computer and went on twitter. In the past weeks, I could see that there was rumor about Josh having a girlfriend and stuff because some people saw me with him. Nobody knew who I am so they call me the secret porcelain. That was a pretty name tho.  Josh wanted to wait a bit before making us public because he had hard time with his last relationship. But I guess not all the fans are like that. Well, we’ll see when we get public.

‘’What you wanna do little duck?’’ Tamara said, seeing that I was bored looking at my laptop.

‘’ Well, we can go visit the city. I know you never been here so...’’

’ Let’s go!’’ She grabbed my hand and we went out for the day.

We walked down the street of Vancouver and we were dancing like crazy because we were listening to Shake Tramp. I missed them. All the guys, not just Josh. I can’t wait to see them tomorrow! So when the night came, we got back to the hotel and I called Josh. He was arriving tomorrow at  two pm at the airport. After telling him goodnight, I went to bed. I have to be rest for tomorrow! I’m gonna surprise Josh at the airport.


   So. Me and Tamara were at the airport and we were waiting for the guys. I had my little poster with Marianas Trench wrote on it so they knew I was there for picking them up. I spot some trenchers waiting for the guys. I guess they find out that they were arriving today. Some of them came to talk with us.

‘’ Hey guys, you are waiting for Marianas Trench too? That is so cool’’ A blond young girl asked me. ‘’Yeah indeed we are waiting for them! Maybe not in the same way then you but it’s okay’’ She seems confused.

‘’I don’t understand...’’

‘’You’ll see. But promise to not hate me’’

‘’Why would I hate you? You’re a trencher, you’re like the best kind of people in this world!’’ 

I smirked. Tamara, who was sitting beside me started to laugh. ‘’Come on Tam!!’’

‘’What is funny?’’ The blond girl said.

‘’You’ll see ! But, you are a nice girl tho. ‘’

‘’You too! AHH I can’t wait to see them!’’

‘’Me too, I can’t wait.’’ I smiled.

We talked together for like half an hour. She was really nice. She told me how much she love Marianas Trench and how they were so important to her. She told me that she wasn’t coming to the show they will be playing in Vancouver soon because she had no money.  Poor her, she really wanted to go see them live.


My heart skipped a beat. I saw them in the hallway and a girl screamed: IT’S THEM! So like, 10 girls ran for them and they were just standing there talking with them. I got up and walked slowly toward them and then Josh saw my little poster. His smile on his face was perfect. He put his stuff on the floor and ran for me. ASHLEY!!! I heard him scream my name and I ran for him. I jumped in his arms as he took me by the waist. We hugged and he pulled me back on the floor and put his lips hardly on mine, his arms around me, holding me so hard.  

‘’What are you doing here? You were... Supposed... to be here... in.. a week !’’ He tried to speak, between all those kisses .

‘’Well, surprise!! I’m here’’ He smiled. Like a little kid on Christmas day.  

‘’ But you know that all those fans right there saw us right?’’

‘’ I don’t care! They have to know. Because you are stuck with me forever! I love you so much‘’

‘’ I love you too, M. Ramsay! I guess we will make it public tho’’

We walked back, hand in hand, to see the guys and the fans who were still there.  The guys hugged me and they were really happy to see me. I introduced them to Tamara, who was still a little bit shocked to finally meeting them.  The little blond girl came to talk to me.

‘’So that’s you. The secret porcelain. Omg! You are so lucky. And no, I don’t hate you. But I know some girls who will. But if someone ever talk shit about you for dating Josh, I will tell them how cool you are. I will always take your side’’ I smirked.

‘’Thank you. This is really nice ...  What’s your name again? ‘’

‘’Alexis. ‘’

‘’So... ‘’ I made a sign to Josh to come here.  He put his arm around my waist. ‘’Josh, this girl, Alexis, who is a fan, was really nice to me today. She said that she will always take my side if people say hates about me.  I think you should say thank you to her.’’

‘’Well I think I will do better than that. Alexis are you from Vancouver?’’

‘’ Y-y-yes I am!’’  She seems soo shy, that was cute.

‘’ Well, as you may know, we’ll have a show here really soon and I think that you deserve to be there. Do you think you would like to be a VIP and be our little special guess for the day?’’

 I smiled. Josh was so nice with the fans.

‘’Omg!! T-t-that would be so perfect!’’ She started to jump.

‘’ Okay well, give me your email and I’ll send you all the info about the show and how special your day will be! ‘’Omg I can’t believe this!!’’

 She got so excited and she jumped to give Josh a hug.

Mike, Matt and Ian came to us and they talked with the fans who was still there. After they left and Alexis gave her email to Josh, we all went back home with cabs. Josh, me and Tamara were going at Josh’s apartment while the other one was heading home. In the cab, Josh was holding me so tight beside him. I missed him. I missed his hugs. I missed his smell. I missed his kiss. His lips... everything.

’Josh, I am so happy to be back here with you. I love you.’’  He kissed my forehead.

‘’ I love you more than ANYTHING. I am so happy that you’re here with me. I missed you so much my little porcelain. Get ready for tonight. ‘’ 

I smirked before I knew what this mean...hmm. I guess I missed this too.

‘’Ahh come on guys! Don’t talk about that in front of me!’’ Tamara said. We laughed.  

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