Chapter 4 - My heart is on fire

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I woke up at 6:30. I couldn’t sleep. I was too excited, so I started to get ready. I took a shower, I stole my sister's clothes and I went sitting outside with my songs book. I looked at my last song. Pressure. It made me think of my mother. What am I gonna do? I can’t live with my sister forever, but I don’t want to go home. This is hell. I'm not strong enough to deal with this. I need to breathe and live, before it is too late. I started to cry. Shortly after, I started to think. Why cry for this? No, that's enough. I have to stop. She’s done making me suffer.

 My sister woke up shortly after. She came to see me outside. She hugged me.

-”Paige, I don’t want to go back there.” I say between sobs

“Ohh sweety, that's ok. Tomorrow we'll go to mom’s house and get your stuff. You can come live with me. Don’t worry, everything will be okay.” 

“I hope so.” The tears started again. She hugged me even harder.

“Oh Ashley, don’t cry. It's gonna be ok. Look into my eyes and tell me everything will be okay. Come on, you can do it, Ash.”

I looked her with my eyes red and wet:

“ Everything will be okay.”

After that, we discussed how we’ll do this. We'll go get my things tomorrow and I'm going to stay in her friend’s old room. She said she will give me money to live until I find a job. She also told me that I should enjoy the time I spend with the guys and not worry about anything. What would I do without her?


The alarm was hard this morning. It was 8:15. I have to get ready and join the guys for lunch. I jumped in the shower and then I texted Ashley.

-Hi Ashley! So, did you sleep well? Are you ready for today?

-Hey Josh! Yeah I slept well, except that I woke up early, bleh! And yes I'm ready ;-) “

- Lol, I hope! So we'll pick you up at what time?

- No difference! You have be at the studio for what time?

- Around 10 am. Brett will probably be there before to set up. We can get you at 9:40? The studio is a bit far from the hotel so!

- Okay, this is perfect! I can’t wait: -)

- I’m excited too, do not forget your guitar and your notebook of songs! : -)

- Yeah, yeah. See ya!

- See ya !!

I heard someone knocking on my door, Matt.

- So, you coming to breakfast?

-”Yeah,I'm coming! I was just texting Ashley. We'll pick her up at 9:40.”

“Perfect! Well, move your ass, we’re waiting for you.”

I put a pair of skinny jeans with a black t-shirt and I followed Matt to the restaurant. Ian and Mike was already sitting and waiting for me. We ordered and figured we needed to decide what we do with our free time and how many days we were going to stay here. Mike wants to go to Halifax this week; it’ll probably be our next destination after our few days here. Suddenly, we heard screaming girls. We turned around and there were a few fans. I smiled and 3 girls headed towards us.

“ Hi girls!” All four of us said

“ Oh my god! I can’t believe you're in front of me! I love you so much! We were at your show last night it was amazing!” Said one of the girls, a cute little ginger.

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