Chapter 22 - I'll make this perfect again

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'' Ever after we, lived the end ''

The last song. The last show. The end of this tour. The crowd screamed for one last time and we went backstage. The last show was in Toronto. We were heading back home tonight. After we picked up all our stuff, we went in the bus. Tamara, the guys and I were taking the plane straight to Vancouver because we had too much work to do. We couldn’t do the road in bus. So our driver dropped us at the airport and we waited there for a couple hours.

‘’ This tour was just CRAZY’’ Ian said, while we were sitting in the airport.

‘’ Yeah it was! But we have so much work to do at home ‘’ Mike said while texting Megan.

‘’ Yeaahh... ‘’ I said, letting out a sigh.

‘’ Hey Tamara, can I talk with you... alone... ? ‘’ I said. She looked at me like she didn’t understand.

‘’Euh, yeah I guess. ‘’

I walked with her a bit in the airport so the guys wouldn’t hear us.

‘’ What do you want? ‘’

‘’ Well, I know we didn’t had the chance to talk a lot in the tour. And also, I know you didn’t WANT to talk to me but.... You’re my girlfriend’s best friend, you work with me and you’re my friend too. Plus, being Ian’s girlfriend. Someday, you’ll have to talk to me. I know I’ve made a mistake and I hurt Ashley. But I will never do it again. And I don’t want you to stop talking to me because of that. ‘’ She looked at me, biting her lips, barely smiling.

‘’ You’re a jerk. ‘’

‘’ I know. But you know that I will not make the same mistakes again. Everything is going great with Ashley. We fixed everything and now it will go for the best. I just want you to understand and realize that i've change now’’

‘’ Yeah... I guess. ‘’

’’ Can I tell you a secret ? ‘’


‘’Don’t tell anyone ok. I’ll ask Ashley to marry me. ‘’

‘’ YOU WHAT????? ‘’ 

‘’Shhh !! Promise me you won’t tell her!! It’s not for now, but soon. Maybe in a week or 2. I need to get the PERFECT ring and the perfect way to ask her. ‘’

‘’ Are you FUCKING SERIOUS???’’ She was speechless

‘’ Yes I am. I don’t want to wait... She’s is EVERYTHING to me. You don’t even know how much I love her. I've made soooooo many mistakes in my life. But right now, I am here.  I have the best girlfriend someone can have. I have the best job ever. I live the dream.  I don't want to lose my life, waiting. I want her with me until my very last breath. You know... She is my entire world. Without her, I'm nothing. I will never look back in my past again. All I want is to think of my future. With Miss Ashley Ramsay. Please don’t tell anyone about it‘’

‘’ I-i-i- won’t. But this is freaking awesome! But you’re still a jerk... ‘’

She smirked and I put my arm around her shoulders and we went back to where the guys were. Couple hours later, I woke up at the Vancouver Airport. I took a taxi to come back home and the others did the same. We were friday so Ashley was still sleeping, she has no classes.  Arrived home, I turned the key and opened the door. I heard Bennie coming to me through the bedroom door. 

‘’ Hi little baby! Did you missed daddy?’’

She walked back to the bedroom. I put my suitcases down and went to the bedroom with Bennie. Ashley was sleeping like a baby. I sat on the bed, beside her, and kissed her forehead. She wasn’t waking up. I kissed her on the neck. She moaned a bit. She started to open her eyes and when she saw me, she just jumped on me.

‘’JOSH!’’  After a little hug, she layed back down in the bed, putting the blanket over her.

‘’ Why you are so damn early...’’ She said, moaning.

‘’ Come on, you are not happy to see me? I would be happy to see me... come on!! ‘’

She laughed. I took the blanket off and got over her. I kissed her nose.

‘’ I missed you baby’’

‘’ I missed you too Josh. I guess... ‘’ She smirked and looked at me with her evil eyes.

‘’ You little sassy girl, you are looking for trouble aren’t you ?’’

‘’ Trouble is just in top of me right now!’’

I laughed and kissed her. I put myself under the blanket and we cuddled for awhile. Bennie was jealous. She was on the other side of the bed, looking at us. So we told her to come and she layed between us. We felt asleep and when we woke up again, I said Ashley to pack a suitcase.

‘’Why?? ‘’ She said,

‘’ Monday I am starting back again to work like crazy and we need vacation. Me and you. That’s it. We’re going to Whistler for the weekend.’’

‘’ And when did you plan that? ‘’

‘’ Euhm... right now? Come on! It will be nice. ‘’

‘’ Okay then! But tonight, bed. Okay? ... I missed you’’ She winked at me.

‘’Perfect with me!! ‘’

I took her in my arms and she bit my lips while dragging her hands on my ass. She grabbed it and smiled.

‘’ You little teasing girl, stop that or we are going in bed right now!’’

‘’ Why not?’’

I smirked and we stopped it. We had to get ready now if we wanted to be there before the night. She packed her stuff, got ready and we got in the car. I brought Bennie to my sister and we drove to Whistler. It was almost 5 so we went to dinner in a super romantic restaurant. We didn’t talk about the tour, we didn’t talk about the job. We just talk about us. And this little tinny baby in her belly.

We talked about how we should call him or her. If it’s a boy, we will call him Kylan James, James is for the name of Ashley's dad, who died. We still didn’t figured out a name for a girl. I’ll ask Matt to be the godfather and Ashley will ask her sister to be the godmother. 

Everthing was perfect again. 

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