Chapter 11 - Who is your musical inspiration? My Boyfriend.

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When I woke up, I looked beside me and Josh was still sleeping. I had to get up because my meeting with the academy is at nine. After my shower, I put a towel on and I got back in the room. I started to get dress when I heard Josh moaning. I guess he was waking up. 

‘’Hey sunshine, don’t put a shirt on. You’re so beautiful in underwear’’He said, as I was going to put my shirt on. I smirked and he told me to get back in the bed. I went and sat beside him. He squeezed me in his arm.‘’Hmm, you smell so good’’

‘’Well, I have to get ready. My meeting is in forty-five minutes. You should get ready too, you are driving me there you remember?’’

‘’Oh yeah true! Can I get a kiss before?’’ I smiled and put my legs around his waist. He pulled me closer to him with his hand on my neck and he put his lips on mine. He bites my bottom lip; I couldn’t help but let out a moan. He tried to reach my chest, which was half naked, with his lips but I stopped him.

‘’I have to get ready’’ I said, between a laugh.

He smirked. I got off him and went to put my shirt. I was dressed classy today: A gray skirt with a white shirt and a black jacket. This is a professional meeting. I curled up my long brown and blonde hair and I put some make up. Josh was ready before me. A last look in the mirror and we got in the car. Of course, I brought my guitar because this was an audition. I’ll have questions and stuff but I also have to play a song.

When we arrived at the Academy, I sighed because I was really stressed. Josh took my hand and looked at me:

‘’ Ashley, you are the best. I know that they will choose you. You are born to be a true musician. You are now my little star. And you know I will always be your greatest fan...actually, the greatest fan of your life. You’re gonna go there and show them that you worth it.’’ 

 After that, he put his hand in his pocket and took a little box out of it.

‘’I wanted to wait for the perfect moment and I think with what happened this weekend, I think the perfect moment is right now. You have to keep your head strong. Because I truly love you. Forever and always.’’  

‘’ Josh I-‘’He stopped me. He opened the box and there was a necklace with a musical note grave on a heart. Inside the heart, it was written: Porcelain, I’ll be the greatest fan of your life.  He took my hair on the side of my neck and put the necklace on me.

‘’Josh, I love you so much. You are my true love. And this is exactly what I needed. You’re so amazing that I can't believe that you’re actually mine. You, my little disaster.‘’ He laughed and kissed me like never before.

I knew it. I knew that today would be better.

We went out of the car and we entered the Academy, hand in hand. I talked with the secretary to tell her I was arrived. She told me I’ll have to wait a little bit because the director was with someone right now.  I sat down with Josh and I realized that my legs were shaking a lot.

‘’Calm down Ashley, everything will be perfect. ‘’ 

  I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. Five minutes later, a man called my name. I followed him in his office. We shared a hand shake and we sat

. ‘’ Hi Ashley, I am Joseph, the director. How are you?’’

‘’ I am really good and you sir? ‘’

Really great, thanks! So, let’s start this!’’

 He took a look on the sheets he has on his desk.

‘’First, When did you started playing music?

‘’I started to sing at the age of five. By then, I didn’t start the guitar yet. Couple years after, that’s when I actually learn how to play.  My dad is the one who teach me how to play. I felt in love with music at this time. ‘’

‘’ Great, And I wanna know... Who is your musical inspiration?’’

I smirked.

‘’This is great story...

Since I was young, my musical inspiration was my father. He was the first one to teach me how to play guitar and he’s the one who made me love it, like I said before. I learned a lot from his experience, but when he died... I felt like the only think I had was music. I needed to find another inspiration. I started to listen to a band called Marianas Trench. Maybe you know them, they are from Vancouver. I was inspired by them, especially by the lead singer. His name is Joshua Keeler Ramsay. He is my new inspiration. This man has been through so many issues in his life. When I started to learned about all the problems he had, I felt connected.  The way he could put all his fights into songs made me realise how much music can be powerful. I was proud of him. I was proud of music. Couple weeks ago, I actually met him. The funny part is that, now, we are a couple. He helped me realize such things that I couldn’t realize by myself, like how important I was and that, life needs to be lived. I think that music has brought us together at some points. My biggest dream was to study the music. My musical inspiration, Joshua, helped me to make my dream come true by telling me to apply here, at Vancouver Academy of Music. Today, he is the one who is going through this with me and I think he’s the perfect one to be here with me. ‘’

The director looked at me. He seemed, fascinated.

‘’Wow... Ashley. I would say that this is the best story I heard since a long time. I’m impressed. ‘’

‘’ Thank you Sir.’’

‘’ You can call me Joseph’’ He smiled.

He asked me more questions and after like, five or six questions, he told me that it was time for me to play a song. I took my guitar and I went in front of the microphone in the back of the room. I started to play Beside you. Josh didn’t know I was doing one of his songs. And I knew he would hear me through the wall.

I will play Beside You from Marianas Trench. I will dedicate it to my amazing boyfriend, who’s my musical inspiration, like I said before’’

The director gave me a sign and then I started:

When your tears are spent on your last pretense...

Porcelain, I'll be the greatest fan of your life (Marianas Trench Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now