Chapter 7 - Amanda

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Can someone tell me why time goes so fast? We already arrived at the day that I dreaded most, the day that Josh is going back home. I didn’t know what to expect when he would be gone. I know that our vacation days have been perfect, but when he’ll be in Vancouver, he will return to his normal life. Today, the weather was gray. Our faces were sad. We knew what to expect. We were at the Montreal Airport. After our week in Halifax, we took the road to get here. We visited and we enjoyed our last days together. Josh and I have become inseparable. We are in love.  All these little moments in the road where it was just us talking about our stories.  All these little moments in the evening at the hotel where we wanted each other, but we were just waiting, not to get too fast. He was always by my side. During every moment of this trip, Josh was there. Now he has to go.

'' The passengers of flight 617 to Vancouver must go to the door at 2:30.''

It was 2:25. The guys were all standing and waiting for Josh to make his goodbye. He hugged me and when I looked at him, I saw tears running down his face.

'' Ashley, I love you. You know we'll see soon. Be strong. And you know what we talked about Vancouver Academy of Music. We will arrange everything and you will be there for the next semester. And you’ll be with me''

I couldn’t say a single word. We kissed one last time before he leaves. Before entering the plane, he turned to send me a kiss. This is where I started to cry. I went to sit and wait for my flight. My flight back to Moncton...  


Life returned to normal. After several hours, I finally landed in Vancouver. When we arrived, we took our stuff and we joined my sister who was there to take us. When I opened my cell, I saw that Ashley sent me a message. She was back in Moncton. I miss her already. I walked while reading my message and suddenly I crashed into someone. '

' Oh sorry, I haven’t seen you!''

'' Oh it’s okay!'' The person looked at me and I recognized her. Oh no. Amanda

‘’Amanda ?''

'' Oh ... Josh. I didn’t think I would see you here ...''

'' I’m coming from vacation. We just ended the tour. Well I gotta go, it was nice to see you ...''

'' Okay. Hey, if ever one day you want to go somewhere, for a talk, let me know''

'' Yeah... Bye Amanda ...''

‘’Bye Josh’’  

That was awkward. Seeing Amanda made me completely confused. I haven’t responded to Ashley yet. I don’t even know why. Got home, I tried to get my head straight and stop thinking about Amanda. I took my phone and I called Ashley.

'' Hi sweety. How are you?''

'' JOSH! I'm so happy to hear your voice. I missed you already. After landed, I started looking on the internet for the application request to Vancouver Academy of Music. I've talked to my sister and she is willing to help me. Everything is going great! And you how was the coming back? ''

'' Ah well, it was good, but I would have liked to stay with you. But we'll see each other soon! If everything goes well, you will have your interview for the Academy in two weeks and the next month, you’ll be here with me all the time. I can’t wait.''

'' Ahhw me too Josh, I can’t wait! Monday, my application will be sent! I want to be accepted soooo much. This is the start of my dream.''

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