Chapter 13 - Time for forgiveness

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A month later

-This Ashley looks so cool! I’m happy that Josh found someone to make him happy.

-God, Josh’s girlfriend is so pretty! I wish I could be her. She seems so lovely!

-This slut shouldn’t be with Josh. She doesn’t deserve him.

-Josh’s gf seem so young! God damn how old is she?

-I love Ashley, she is soo perfect for Josh! I’m happy that Josh find someone to forget Amanda.  

-Nobody should give hate about this lovely person who is Ashley. This girl is so nice and she’s the reason why I had the chance to be with the guys for an entire day! Stop giving her hates!! She makes Josh sooo happy!    (((THANK YOU ALEXIS)))

-Gold digger!

- Josh seems so happy with Ashley.

This is so cute. She’s the best thing that could happen to him!

- I ship Jash! They are so cute together!  

Yep. That was the kind of comments that was on tumblr, facebook, twitter...everywhere.  I could see those comments everywhere since we officially announce that we were together, in an interview they had before the show in Vancouver, last week.  Josh told me I didn’t have to bother about the hates. That it will stop sometime.  But, it feels good when I saw some good comments. I think there’s more people who love Jash than hate it.  

     I was starting class in January so now I still had one month to enjoy. Josh was working a lot but we still had time to be together. Two days ago, he brought me to his sister's house and i had the chance to meet Sara's kids. They were sooooo adorable ! I played with them all day long. That was funny. Josh was laughing at me. I cant wait to see them again. We will probably go there for Christmas and i can finally meet his parents. We didn't had the chance to see them yet ! Today, Tamara, Ian and Mike came here to help us making the Christmas tree. Josh didn't have good taste for where to put the stuff and Ian was just mocking him. Mike was so great at this. He could be a tree designer. 

After we finished the tree, we just relaxed a bit. Me and Tamara decided to go make some hot chocolate. We went in the kitchen and before i started to make the drinks, Tam stopped me. "Hun,... I have to tell you somethin" she seems, excited

'' whaat?''

'' well i wanted to tell you yesterday but i kind of didnt had the chance''

'' Tamara, you scare me right now. What did you did???''

'' well.... Ian and me.. We kissed...'' she blushed

'' YOU WHAT??''

''shhh, they are just in the living room.'' she said, putting her hand on my mouth " But yeah.. You know that living in his basement have bring us closer, want it or not. And he is soooo sweet ! '' 

'' I never thought you two would end up together ! But Ian is such a good person and i hope this will go far ! 

'' well we didn't really talked about it because after it happened, he had to go to the studio and today, well, we're here. ''

'' ohw that is awesome !! I hope you two will get together ! 

" yeaah... I really hope too. He's sweet." She deserve to be happy. I hope this two will get together.

After finishing our hot chocolate and the ones for the guy, we got back with them and I sat on Josh's laps. He put his head on my shoulder and kissed me " Love is in the air" mike said, laughing at us

" Always ! And mike, when do Megan will come back here??" she was in Halifax to see her family. 

" She'll be back in three days. I miss her."

" Ohw poor little Mikey !" Josh said

" Shut up Josh !" 

He laughed. We passed the evening talking all and sometime in the evening, I saw that Ian was looking at Tam. That was sweet. Josh was teasing me all night long. He was keeping telling me stuff in my ears that was making me go crazy. He was sliding his fingers down my neck, and kissing me, and he knew that was a sensible spot. Around midnight, they all got back home and we were just me and Josh. Right after he closed the door behind Mike, he grabbed me by the waist and kissed my forehead.

" I was waiting for this all night." he said, pulling me closer to him.

" You little tease man, you were bad tonight! 

He smirked.

" well, i know we didn't had a lot of time for each other lately sooooo i was thinking that tonight could be a great night." 

" that sound really great!" after saying that, he took me in his arm, bride style, and we got in his room. After having a little fun, we felt through the night, cuddling and spooning. God, i love him so much. ..............................

"hey guys! " 

" hey Ashley ! We don't see you here a lot !" mike said

" well today I'm here to work! "

I came to the studio with Josh this morning. We thought we could work on a song together and try to see how it goes. We went in his studio and i sat in front of where Josh was recording the songs. He went in the room and started to sing a new song. I guess this was the one he were working on this days. This melody was sooo great. After he sang it a couple of time, i started to knew the lyrics. He gave me a sign to come in the room.

" you like it ?"

" Yeah!! It is soo beautiful i love it!"

" im happy that you love it because... Actually, i wrote it for you." He took me closer to him and kissed my forehead. i put my head on his chest

" damn you're soo sweet Josh"

" i know. And the best part is that i want you to record it with me. It would be our duet. "

" are you serious ? Oh my god Josh! " i hugged him even more harder.

" let's try this." Josh gave me a paper with the lyrics on it and he started to sing. When I felt it, I started too. He was smiling so bad. This will be such a beautiful song. And I was so proud to be a part of it. After a couple try out, we took a break and I went to see the other guys while Josh stayed in the studio. When I entered the room, I saw Matt in the back. He looked so sad. Since Josh took a ‘’break’’ with him, he’s not the same. I sat beside him and tried to talk with him.

Matt, what’s up? Something wrong?’’

’ Well, it makes two months now and I hate this. You don’t know how much I regret what I did and what I said. It even surprises me that you’re talking to me. And, I miss Josh so much. He’s my best friend. During the tour in October and November, he was so distant. I just wish he would forget this.’’

 I realized that he was sincere. I saw a little tear down his face. I put my hand on his shoulder.

‘’ I’ll try to talk to him okay? I know he have hard time to forget but I’ll see what I can do. ‘’

’Thank you Ashley. You’re the best. I hope everything will be okay again. ‘’ He hugged me.  

I guess it’s time for forgiveness .

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