Chapter 5 - I'll be better when i'm older

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This morning I still had her voice in my head. This sweet melody''With a heart on fire ...''. Her voice, her look, her sighs, her eyes. Her fingers scratching the guitar. Everything seemed so natural. I love the passionate people. And I know she is one of them. I prepared myself and I went to pick her up. It was about 11am I think. Today, we are just me and her. Ian, Mike and Matt will stay at the hotel and prepare our vacation. Arrived home, I saw her waiting for me outside. She looked sad and lost. But she was so beautiful with her sweater who was a little too big for her and some blue skinny jeans. There was a somewhat sad look on her face. -

“Hey Josh! Not too disappointed with your defeat yesterday?”

- “Oh come on! You cheated and I will eventually make you say it, you'll see!”

- “Yeah yeah !! “ Even with the teasing, she still seemed a bit down.

- “So, are you ready to sing with me? Not too much stress?”

-” Oh, a little bit! But hey, I can’t wait! Singing with Mr. Ramsay, it’s something!”

- “Oh come on! You're so talented Ash. Don’t be afraid to sing with me! It is a pleasure for me to hear you.” But I feel that there is something wrong.”

- “Ahw... Well, when I went home with my sister yesterday to get my stuff, I had some problems.... And I had a lot of trouble sleeping.”

- “How?”

- “Well, I moved with my sister and when I arrived, my mother was there and she didn’t stop. I couldn’t take it so I went for a walk. I came back around 4-5 this morning and I haven’t slept well after that. But hey, it’s ok! I want to enjoy my day with you! She didn’t need to waste another one of my days.”

-” Oh, Ashley! You don’t need to take this all. I understand that this is hard. One day it will be finished. You're a strong person, I can see it. Hey, do you want to leave the studio and we would play music somewhere else, i don’t know, maybe in a park or on a beach? Just a place that we could be just you and me. It would be better”

“ Yeah actually, I know a place. Come on, turn around, I'll show you the way.”


I showed Josh the way to my little hidden place, a small lake near the University. He parked and we sat down with our guitars near the lake. He pulled out his guitar, grabbed my eyes and began to play. I immediately recognized the song: I'll be:

- The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful

Stop me and steal my breath

And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky

Never revealing their depth...

...      I’ll be better when i’m older

And I continue:

-I'll be ... the greatest fan of your life ...

And it is at this point that my life took the biggest turnaround possible: Josh leaned slowly toward me, took me in his arms and kissed me with such tenderness. My heart couldn’t take anymore. The feelings were too strong. His lips were so soft and his arms around me made me believe that he would never leave me. He was the strongest man on earth and nothing can destroy this moment. When his lips left mine, he looked at me and he looked very confused.

-”Josh, are you ok?”

- “Yeah of course! It’s just; I didn’t think it would be so soon, so fast.”

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