Remember that Night (Ukai)

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Summary: Ukai isn't the one behind the counter at the shop and it confuses everyone.

Warnings: Terrible dialogue

Word Count: 1,028 words

EDITED: 4/17/2022


Ukai usually made it back to the shop before the team went there to buy something. Sometimes, after a solid practice, he'd give the team pork buns for free or on sale. No matter what, the boys were used to seeing their coach sitting behind the counter.

"Let's go get some meat buns," Daichi said, and everyone seemed hesitant. "On me."

Takeda had pulled Ukai aside, and they were having a fairly serious conversation about something. It was most likely nationals and figuring out where they were going to stay as well as how they would pay for it. Usually that didn't mean much because Ukai always got to the store just in time for the team to check-out.

The team walked down the hill Karasuno was on, their typical banter and fighting happening as they did so. Hinata made a sharp turn with his bike in order to run into Kageyama. Tsukishima laughed at Kageyama's pissed expression and Daichi tried to ignore the situation happening behind him.

"Do not look at them," Daichi threatened when Sugawara went to check out what the first years were doing.

"Why? It looks like fun," Sugawara said, and Daichi's expression turned into a disappointed one, which made Sugawara huff. "Fine, I won't look at them."

Daichi walked into the store and saw a man who wasn't Ukai sitting behind the counter. He had his feet up on the counter as he read a book. It was odd, but it made sense for there to be someone else working when Ukai couldn't. Daichi quickly got 12 meat buns and went back to the counter, where Ukai's replacement was still located. He didn't pay attention to Daichi.

Daichi coughed slightly, and the man looked up at him. Daichi could only think that he had to be around his 30s and didn't work here because of the pissed look in his eyes.

"Can I help you?" He asked, and Daichi looked down at all the meat buns in his arms.

"Yeah, I just need to pay," Daichi said, and the man nodded before he started messing with the register. "What's your name?"

The man stopped and looked at him with furrowed brows. "Why do you care?"

"Well, Coach Ukai is my coach, and it's just strange to not see him here."

"L/N Y/N. I don't work often. Actually, Keishin's mother hates that I come here at all."

Sugawara and Asahi entered the store with confused looks. It never took this long to get anything from here, and the rest of the team was getting antsy outside. Ennoshita had confiscated Hinata's bike because Kageyama was trying to break it. Everyone having meat buns would make things better right about now.

"You're not Coach Ukai," Sugawara stated, and L/N nodded.

"Thank you for informing me." L/N handed Daichi the bag of meat buns. "I wouldn't have known if you hadn't.

"Stops being idiots!" Ukai screamed outside, and L/N pointed out the window as he chuckled.

"There's your coach."

The shop doors opened and Ukai walked in and he looked at L/N before he noticed his players in the shop with him. L/N looked away and back at Daichi.

"I thought you were banned from working here?" Ukai asked, and L/N shrugged.

"I don't get paid when I work here, so am I really working here?" L/N asked, and Daichi handed him the money. "Also, I don't listen to your mom."

"That's one thing I really love about you," Ukai said, and L/N froze. He clutched the money in his hand and it would definitely be wrinkled whenever he let go.

"Keishin, there are people here," L/N said, and Ukai looked over and fully processed that his players were in front of the register.

"Oh, uh, hello," Ukai said, and L/N laughed, loudly.

"Hello is all you have to say?" L/N asked, and he got the change out of the register. He reached out to put it in Daichi's hand. "Here's your change."

"Why are you being so casual?" Ukai asked, and the Karasuno third years just watched the two bicker. Daichi took the change from L/N and Sugawara cleared his throat, causing Ukai and L/N to stop talking.

"Are you two like together?" Sugawara asked, and L/N nodded.

"I think so," L/N said, and he kicked his feet back up on the counter. He looked over at Ukai. "We are, right?"

"You're not just supposed to tell people, Y/N," Ukai said, and L/N tilted his head.

"Is there a reason why?" L/N asked, and then he laughed slightly at the scared look on Ukai's face. "Just kidding. They seem like respectable people."

"They're my players," Ukai said, and L/N just stared at him. "I'm their coach."

L/N looked over at the three students. "Do you care if your coach is in a gay relationship?"

"Not really," Daichi said, and L/N looked back at Ukai.

"See, respectable," L/N said, and Ukai groaned. L/N sighed and looked at the Karasuno students. "Can you please go now? I imagine your coach is going to start yelling at me anytime now."

"Oh, yeah. Of course," Daichi said, and he dragged Sugawara out while Asahi trailed behind him.

The team stood there, staring into the window at L/N and Ukai. Daichi cleared his throat and everyone looked at him.

"I got food," Daichi said, and everyone went to him to get their share.

"Who is that man in there?" Ennoshita asked, and Daichi looked back into the shop to see Ukai standing in front of the counter while L/N stared up at him from his seat.

"I'm not really sure," Daichi said, and Ennoshita looked over at Sugawara because he'd tell anyone's business if he wanted to.

"His name is Y/N," Suga said, and he brushed some hair out of his face. "What just happened in there?"

"I'm not sure," Asahi said, and Daichi took a bite out of his meat bun.

"Kageyama! Leave me alone!" Hinata screeched, and the third years looked to see Kageyama trying to put Hinata in a headlock. What they didn't see was L/N pulling Ukai down to kiss him. Some things were better left unseen.

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