And How the Stars Shine (Osamu)

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Summary: When Sugawara has to retire from being a camp counselor after getting a teaching position, Y/N meets his new co-counselor Miya Osamu.

Tags: Camp Counselor AU; First Meetings; Pre-Relationship; Fluff

Word Count: 3,581 words

Notes: To be honest, I want to write a longer camp counselor au because I think it'd be really fun, but we have this instead. Also, I attended summer camp for like 5 years as a kid, but idk a lot about everything camp counselors do. So if there's anything they do that's not accurate, then pretend it is. We're here for the vibes.


Y/N's summers growing up had always consisted of summer camp. He went away for a week, lived in a cabin, swam in the lake, did arts and crafts, sang corny songs, and became friends with everyone he met. Most people came back every summer like he did, so he always knew someone after his first summer. It had been something he looked forward to and absolutely loved. Core happy childhood memories.

When he learned his old summer camp was hiring camp counselors, he applied and got accepted the summer before his second year at university. With university being more stressful than he expected, he missed the happy atmosphere and memories he got every summer as a kid. There aren't any summer camps for university students—or none that he knows of—so why not become a camp counselor and hope it's just as fun as being a camper.

Sugawara trained him his first summer. They already knew each other from when they were younger, so it was easy to reconnect. By the end of the first summer, it felt more like best friends going to camp together instead of being camp counselors. Maybe it was because Y/N has gone there for years and already understood the basics of most things. The next summer, they're paired up again, and things are just as fun. But then Sugawara leaves because he's graduated and got a teaching position, so he no longer has the time during the summer to be a camp counselor.

Administration decides Y/N is ready to train someone after only two years of being there, even though they usually wait until someone has been there for four years. It's just that anyone with eyes knows he can train someone since he and Sugawara always divided responsibilities evenly, sometimes switching who did what. He'll never say he can do it alone, because he can't, but he wouldn't be completely helpless if left alone.

Kousaka, the camp director, sent out emails about things people needed to bring and who was being paired up with who. They're getting five new camp counselors, which is a little lower than normal. (Their average is 10 new ones every year, so it's not too much lower.) Y/N doesn't know if the slight drop is because summer camps may not be popular anymore or people don't know about it. Whatever it is, it's fine because they have enough counselors for the number of campers they'll have.

The beginning of assignments happens about the moment you get to the lodge with your things. Cabin assignments change every year, even though he wishes they didn't. His first year as a counselor he had cabin five, which is near the pool, where there are actual toilets, but the next year they put him near the lodge (that he can't break into to use the bathroom). He crossed his fingers and silently prayed that he'd get the cabin five again, even though he doubts it a little.

He opens one of the side doors to the lodge and walks in. Not all the tables have been put out. Only two, probably for people to do paperwork if the line gets too long. However, about no one is in there right now. He adjusts his duffle bag over his shoulder and looks for Kousaka.

"L/N-kun!" Kousaka calls out, and he looks over at the staircase leading to her room. Her, her daughter, and the nurse are the only ones who stay in the lodge. They really only use the building for inside activities, the cafeteria, and the nurse's office, which became fairly big after a flu outbreak several years ago. (Thankfully, Y/N hadn't been there for that.)

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