Scary Movies (And You) (Hanamaki)

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Prompts: "You've got leaves in your hair." + "I don't like scary movies." / "I'll keep you safe."

Pairing: Timeskip! Hanamaki Takahiro/Male! Reader

Warnings: N/A, Fluff

Word Count: 857 words

Notes: I know it's been a while since I posted writing. Sorry, school and work have actually consumed my life. I hope this makes up for it, though. Also, this is my first time writing Hanamaki, so I apologize if it's not good.


Y/N walks down the street to his apartment, leaves crunching beneath his shoes. He's carrying bags of candy and black and orange streamers. His new coworker, Hanamaki, told him it was a crime that he hasn't decorated his apartment for Halloween yet. So, Hanamaki is at Y/N's place, doing the base work while Y/N brings the finishing touches. The candy is to snack on as they perfect it all.

He revels in the sound of the leaves crunching. Most of them crinkle right under his shoes, like they were waiting for him. He looks up at the sky, slightly cloudy, but the sun is there, and smiles. The breeze makes him grin. This is the October he loves. The kind of October where he's excited to experience it. He's excited—so excited.

Hanamaki is standing outside Y/N's apartment complex. His light brown hair—that Y/N swore was an odd color of pink when they first met—is easy to see against the autumn color scheme. His outfit fit the autumn color scheme better. The dark red sweater, dark jeans, and army green jacket felt comforting to see from afar. Then the breeze made the leaves cascade down, and one lands in his hair. A bright red leaf rests gently on Hanamaki's head, and Hanamaki has no clue.

"What're ya doin' out here?" Y/N calls out, and Hanamaki looks over. He's smiling, probably because of Y/N's kansai-ben accent he makes fun of whenever he can.

"I was waiting for you," Hanamaki says. Y/N stops, not expecting that. It's an honest answer, easy to know with how genuine Hanamaki says things. Sometimes he joked around and cleared it up later, but he wasn't joking right now. His brows are relaxed and eyes soft.

"Oh," Y/N says, and he knows he sounds dumb. He isn't sure how not to sound dumb right now, though. He points at Hanamaki's head. "Ya've got a leaf in yer hair."

Hanamaki reaches up, his fingers brush against the leaf before pulling it out of his hair. It comes out easily, not tangled in it at all. He looks at the bright red leaf that Y/N feels like describes autumn and October together. "I guess I did."

Y/N walks toward him and extends the bag with candy. "My arms are gettin' tired, so take it."

Hanamaki takes it without complaint and smiles when he looks in it to see the several bags of candy Y/N bought. "Did you buy all they had?"

Y/N rolls his eyes as he chuckles. "I think ya mean 'Thank ya, L/N. I'm so grateful for ya, L/N'."

"No, I think I meant what I said."

Y/N jokingly pushes Hanamaki's arm, which makes Hanamaki laugh. His laugh is nice, though. It's warm and inviting. Y/N finds himself laughing with him.

They're walking up the stairs to Y/N's apartment when Hanamaki speaks. "We should turn out all the lights, make some popcorn, and watch scary movies." Y/N doesn't look at him as he gets his keys out of his pocket. "The door's unlocked."

Y/N looks over at him as he uses his key anyway, just to annoy Hanamaki. "I don't like scary movies."

"Really?" Hanamaki follows Y/N into the apartment. Y/N nods. "Why?"

Y/N shrugs. "They freak me out. Ya know, do their job of bein' scary."

It's quiet for a moment. Almost unsettlingly quiet, but Y/N lets it remain that way as he puts the bag of streamers on the kitchen counter. Hanamaki hasn't moved from the entryway.

"I'll keep you safe," he says, and Y/N looks over at him with furrowed brows.


Hanamaki walks toward Y/N, and there's a hint of nervousness in his features, but not enough that Y/N can accuse him of being nervous. "I'll keep you safe while we watch scary movies."

It's quiet again, but there's tension in the air. Y/N wants to run away but he can't move. He also doesn't want to run away at the same time. He's not used to people being so open like that, especially because he doesn't know how genuine this is. Hanamaki looks so genuine, but is he? Is he really being genuine or fucking around with him?

"L/N?" Hanamaki asks, and Y/N smiles slightly before letting out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah?" Y/N says. Hanamaki takes a step forward. He's closer than Y/N wants him to be, but not in a bad way. More of a super gay panic kind of way, and he needs distance before he loses his mind.

"We're going to watch scary movies," Hanamaki says softly. "You'll cuddle into my side because you're scared. Maybe we'll even kiss if you let me."

Y/N nods, but it's mostly absentminded as his brain tries to process what was just said. "Okay."

"Okay?" Hanamaki asks.

Y/N nods again. "Yeah. Scary movies and you."

Hanamaki grins as he nods. "Yeah." He puts the bag of candy on the counter. "Let's skip the finishing touches and just get to the scary movies."

"Yeah," Y/N says. He reaches out for Hanamaki's hand and grabs it. Warmth spreads through him. It feels like listening to Hanamaki laugh. "Scary movies first."

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