Thirst Tweets (MSBY Black Jackal)

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Summary: Atsumu, Bokuto, Hinata, and Sakusa are invited to Buzzfeed to read thirst tweets, and they recognize a certain user. (plus the aftermath)

Pairing: MSBY BJ & Male! Reader

Warnings: Thirst Tweets (sexual); Time-skip Spoilers; OOC probably

Word Count: 2,407 words

Notes: It has been FOREVER since I've written for Haikyuu, so please excuse any of it being ooc.  I'm working on several long fics, so I thought maybe this would be fun to write. ALSO Atsumu gay panics over Hinata in this.  They're not together, though.  Atsumu is just pining.

Translation for something Hinata says "Desde o primeiro momento que te vi, não consigo parar de pensar em você." From the moment I saw you, I can't stop thinking of you. (I got this from a website, so please tell me if this is incorrect)


If Atsumu is going to be completely honest, he's excited to read these thirst tweets. He knows some people (Sakusa) find that weird, but he finds thirst tweets to be more funny than anything else. Sometimes, the more deranged the better. He and Osamu read thirst tweets while drunk at Onigiri Miya, so it's not like he's going to be wide eyed and stuttering about them today. That's probably why Kousaka, MSBY Black Jackal's PR manager, put him in this; Buzzfeed Thirst Tweets.

"Have any of you watched these before?" Kousaka asks as people put light makeup on Atsumu.

"I have!" Shoyo says with a bright smile. "Kenma and I watched some after hearing about this."

"Sakusa-san?" Kousaka asks, and Sakusa slowly nods.

"Yeah. I've seen clips on TikTok," Sakusa says, which it's news to Atsumu that Sakusa even has TikTok.

"I'm not even going to ask you, Atsumu-san," Kousaka says, not even looking at him. "Bokuto-san?"

"Nope!" Bokuto says, and his smile is just as vibrant as always, just like his volume being just a little too loud. "I know what thirst tweets are, though."

Kousaka nods. "Alright, good." He reaches over and picks up a bucket off of a stool. "This bucket has all the thirst tweets. You'll all take turns reading them, which means you may not read ones for yourself." He hands it to Sakusa, who places it to be on the edge of his knee. "Do not start until after they've started filming and you've introduced yourselves."

"Got it, Kousaka-san!" Shoyo says, and Kousaka smiles a little before taking a deep breath and gently releasing it.

"Let's hope this goes well."

Only 10 minutes later, everyone is situated and ready for filming. Atsumu loves PR, which Kousaka knows and drags him around just about everywhere. He's not great with people, but he can be charming enough that it works out for him. Kousaka doesn't understand it, but he uses it whenever they need some PR.

"Behave," Kousaka says, and then they're filming.

"Hello, I'm Miya Atsumu. Setter for MSBY Black Jackal," Atsumu says with a smirk, and he's not sure if he's supposed to introduce himself like that. It seems like a fun way, though.

"I'm Bokuto Koutaro! Wing spiker for MSBY Black Jackal!" Bokuto says, a little too loudly from excitement. Kousaka puts a finger to his lips behind the camera to remind Bokuto to calm down a little.

"I'm Sakusa Kiyoomi. Wing spiker for MSBY Black Jackal," Sakusa says in a monotone voice. He's said he doesn't want to be there, but Atsumu knows that Kousaka doesn't force people to do things they don't want to. If Sakusa told him no, he wouldn't be here.

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