First Words (Tsukishima)

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Summary: In a world where the first words your soulmate say to you is on your wrist, Y/N manages to get "hello"

Warnings: Soulmate AU, Intense angst, Hanahaki, swearing, mentions of fighting, vomit (mentioned with Hanahaki), happy ending.

Word Count: 19,615 words

Notes: This is an updated note from the updated version.  I'm sorry if this fucks up the comments in any way.  I don't really understand how to use Wattpad, I'm used to updating things on ao3 without worrying.

EDITED: 10/10/2021


Y/N loved the concept of soulmates. Seeing the first words they'd say to you on your wrist seemed magical. Sure, it was strange to get it on your 10th birthday, because what if you had met your soulmates before then? He didn't really care though, because soulmates were so cool. Someone was going to love you for the rest of your life, and in return, you loved them back.

His mother had to tell him to calm down, because he started coming up with all sorts of scenarios of what they could possibly say to each other. It didn't help that his best friend Hinata Shoyo shared the same enthusiasm over it, so his mother had to deal with two boys full of excitement.

Hinata's 10thbirthday was before Y/N's, and they both found the words on his wrists to be really strange.

"One day I'm gonna set for you."

They spent Hinata's birthday looking up what that could mean, and they learned all about volleyball. Hinata didn't seem excited about it until he saw a match on TV when he was riding his bicycle a year later. Y/N, however, was enthralled.

When Y/N's birthday finally came around, Hinata stayed over so they could find out what his soulmate would say together. When the clock struck midnight, the word appeared, and Y/N wondered if soulmates were still magical after this.


He looked over at Hinata, who was staring at his wrist in confusion. It was normal to get normal greetings, but that didn't mean Y/N wanted one. It was fairly silent until his mother opened the door with a huge grin. She had been excited about this too, but hearing her child come up with countless things his soulmate would say was hard to handle at times.

"So, what's she going to say?" He asked, and Y/N slowly showed her his wrist.

"Hello," Y/N said, and he paused as his brows furrowed together. "She's going to say hello."

Silence fell back over the room. His mother and father had cool words, but he got stuck with hello. He wanted something cool like they had. His father had said, "We've been here way too long." And his mother responded with, "You're right. Let's leave." Those were cool, and you automatically knew who your soulmate was, but hello gave you nothing to work with.

Y/N's face lit up. "I know what to do!" He clapped his hands together. "I'll just never say hello unless it's to an adult!"

His parents looked at him confused, but Hinata's face lit up as if he immediately understood. Y/N's parents were still in the dark about what he meant by that.

"She'll be able to know then! If you say something weird, then there's no mistaking it!" Hinata exclaimed, and Y/N nodded excitedly.

"Yes! If she's decided to mess up my life, then I'll mess up hers!" Y/N said, and his voice loud and full of excitement. His mother just stared at him and sighed. Of course her son would act like this.

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