Ridiculous (Atsumu)

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Summary: According to Y/N, everything is ridiculous.

Word Count: 2,345 words

Warnings: pure angst, friendship breakup, incoherent half the time, hints of self-hate, kind of Haikyuu!! manga spoilers but not really

Notes: I know this doesn't make much sense and isn't the best, but tbh it was mainly me trying to be artistic with writing. Hope you guys enjoy regardless!


Y/N's feet dragged along the rocks under the swing he was seated on. He watched how the rocks moved under his shoes, moving along with him, and wondered what it would feel like for his fingers to also drag along the ground as well. He didn't want to be folded over in half though, so he let out a deep breath to remind himself of that.

He heard walking from a distance, the rocks shifted and scratched together with every step, most likely making whoever was walking shoes sink in slightly. Y/N didn't look up, assumed it was some kid taking their time to walk to the monkey bars. Who even decided they'd be called monkey bars? It was ridiculous to him.

Everything was ridiculous to him.

When he was younger, he came to this park every day, mainly for the playground portion, and he'd play so hard until he'd have to drag himself two blocks home and force himself to shower before he laid in bed until dinner. Life was simple and sensible then, not ridiculous like it was now.

"Thought I'd find ya here," Atsumu said, and Y/N looked at him and Atsumu looked like he always did. Bleached hair that needed a good hair treatment, a sports shirt (MSBY today, which most likely meant he just came from practice), tight jeans, and a lazy look in his brown eyes.

There wasn't anything special about him anymore, Y/N had seen him way too many times for there to be, but he still made Y/N's heart race.

"Hey," Y/N said, and he stopped dragging his feet against the rocks, and it made Atsumu stand up straighter.

Atsumu pointed at the swing next to Y/N. "Can I sit?"

"Don't see why not," Y/N said with a shrug, and he watched Atsumu sit down and watched how Atsumu refused to look at him.

They both looked at the ground, the sound of rocks being dragged beneath them and the kids playing soccer in the distance surrounded them. There were cheers and high pitched screams, and Y/N wished he were over there, playing, and young again.

"I'm sorry," Atsumu said, and Y/N felt like he needed to look up at him in shock but he didn't. He didn't care anymore about what Atsumu had to say. "I just wasn't expectin' it."

"It's whatever." Y/N's voice drifted off slightly, not wanting to talk. All he really wanted to do was play so hard he had to drag himself back to what was once his childhood home.

"It's-It's not whatever, Y/N," Atsumu said, and Y/N could feel Atsumu's eyes on him, observing him, and it was an uncomfortable feeling he had dealt with on countless occasions. Atsumu observed people more than he let on, and Y/N had always hated it. "I-I just wasn't expectin' it."

Y/N stopped moving as he let out a deep breath. He could cry and make a big enough scene to where the kids playing soccer could hear him and leave and Atsumu would follow suit because that's what you do when a scene happens: you leave. You don't stay and ask if someone needs help because it's none of your business. Life is easier that way but it felt ridiculous to Y/N with how normalized it had become.

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