Dinosaur Cookie Jar (Tsukishima)

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Summary: The list of instructions sat on the kitchen counter, next to the dinosaur cookie jar L/N had bought him on their third anniversary.

Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Male! Reader

Warnings: Pure angst, Major Character Death

Word Count: 388 words

Notes: I also want to say that Y/N dies in this, that's who the major character death is. Do not read this if this could be triggering to you.

EDITED: 4/17/2022


Tsukishima rested his head on top of L/N's and wrapped his arms around L/N's waist to ground himself. There was always the lingering thought of how this could be the last time they embraced like this. There was a countdown, and he refused to forget the way it felt to hold his boyfriend close. He refused to forget how L/N's heartbeat always pounded so hard that Tsukishima felt it when they stood next to each other. He refused to forget how all of this felt.

"Kei," L/N croaked out, and Tsukishima's arms tightened around L/N's waist as he shushed him.

"Don't talk," Tsukishima said, and his voice was soft and slightly muffled by L/N's hair. He tried to drown out the electronic beeping exposing L/N's heartbeat. "Everything is going to be okay."

"I love you," L/N said, and he sounded weak. He had only been progressively getting weaker as the days passed by. "I love you."

The electronic beeping started speeding up. "I love you too," Tsukishima said, and even though he could hear the beeping, L/N's heartbeat was fading. "Fuck, I love you so much."

Nurses filled the room and L/N didn't respond. Tsukishima closed his eyes, because he knew the nurses were just waiting. L/N had signed a DNR form earlier that week, so there was nothing any of them could do except wait.

The speed of the electronic beeping slowed before it was a continuous beep, and Tsukishima grabbed L/N's wrist to check if it was right. There was nothing. He was getting colder by the second and Tsukishima opened his eyes to look at L/N. A nurse gently touched his shoulder.

"Sir, he's gone," she said, and he shook his head as he clenched his eyes shut. His eyes hurt and were watering, and he couldn't cry here. "You need to let go."

Tsukishima couldn't, because once he let go, he'd have to go make phone calls. He'd had to do what L/N had instructed him to do after he had signed the DNR form. The list of instructions sat on the kitchen counter, next to the dinosaur cookie jar L/N had bought him on their third anniversary. So, Tsukishima didn't move, but instead, gently squeezed L/N, who felt like ice now.

Tears coated his cheeks, and then his body was engulfed in sobs.

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