Halloween Decorations (Hinata)

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Summary: Y/N hates fall and Hinata tries to change that.

Pairing: Hinata Shoyo x Male! Reader

Warnings: Angst

Word Count: 465 words

Notes: I'd like say I have something fluffy for fall/Halloween in the works to counteract this, but that would be a lie. If you have any fluffy prompts, send them my way.  Also, I'll get back to uploading new versions of fics later, but I wanted to post this.

EDITED: 4/17/2022


Y/N had always hated fall.

His family had never been one to do seasonal things when he was younger and even still now when he was 22. His parents had always said there was no point. It was simply just a season and Halloween was mainly an American thing, even if it was more popular in Japan now.

He hated how temperamental the weather got when it felt like freezing in the morning, but hot by noon. He hated how many fallen leaves littered the streets. He hated how excited people got when watching Halloween movies, even though nearly all of them ended similarly.

He hated all of it. Or he did until he met Hinata.

Hinata loved fall and made it full of laughter and smiles. He made competitions to see who could get the most leaves to crunch under their shoes. Or who could make the best outfit to survive the temperamental weather. He showed Y/N Halloween movies, which then Y/N saw the charm in them. They cuddled up on Y/N's couch while they watched the countless movies Hinata felt like Y/N needed to watch at least once.

Y/N was slowly growing to like fall, because it became filled with memories of Hinata.

Memories of how an orange leaf fell into Hinata's hair and it was hard to find once it got stuck. Or the first time Y/N had ever carved a pumpkin and how Hinata grinned at him the entire time. Their first kiss was under a tree near his apartment complex and its leaves tangling their way into Hinata and Y/N's hair, but neither of them cared.

Hinata left at the end of fall when the cold winter weather started biting at their noses. He was going back to Brazil, and he had meant to tell Y/N, but they had been so happy. He just kept repeating that they had been so happy.

Y/N didn't cry, instead just demanded for Hinata to leave. He wasn't welcome there anymore and Hinata cried for him. He cried and cried, but Y/N couldn't find it in him to care. Instead, he showed Hinata out and ended up seated in the middle of the living room.

Halloween decorations surrounded him. Only a week earlier had they hosted a Halloween party. They had introduced their friends to each other, and Y/N thought that meant they were serious. He had Hinata's friends' numbers in his phone and had been planning on meeting up with Yachi for lunch next week. That wouldn't be happening now. There was no point.

Y/N tore down the decorations and cried. He cried so hard until his body was trembling, and he collapsed on the ground. It wasn't fair. None of this was fair.

He hated fall and maybe winter just a little bit, too.

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