Day Off (Iwaizumi)

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Summary: Y/N loved when his and Hajime's schedules lined up.

Tags: Post-Timeskip, Nurse! Reader, Fluff

Word Count: 410 words

Notes: This is my first time writing for Iwaizumi, so I really hope it doesn't suck. Also, I'm still not the best at writing fluff lol.

EDITED: 4/17/2022


Y/N loved when his and Hajime's schedules lined up and they could spend the day together at home. It was rare, especially with the Olympics coming up and Y/N being a nurse during the pandemic, so it made these days perfect. Hajime would say that Y/N thought that every day he wasn't in public was perfect, but it was different when Hajime was with him.

They slept a lot on these days, which people found out of character for Hajime. Everyone said it made sense for Y/N, since he worked in a hospital five days a week, but Hajime was an athletic trainer; he shouldn't be exhausted. Y/N didn't believe that thinking because Hajime dealt with a bunch of rowdy volleyball guys who acted like they were still in high school half the time. The only person who agreed with him was Oikawa, who apparently knew some of the team from high school.

Y/N woke up first today and went to the kitchen to make breakfast and read the news. Toast and water sat in front of him on the table as he scrolled through articles. He looked at the toast and wondered if he should eat while he took his vitamins, so then he'd remember when he took his vitamins. The only issue with that is there was the risk of waking Hajime.

There were footsteps on the stairs and Hajime was walking towards him with squinted eyes. He was still half asleep, most likely searching for Y/N after realizing he was alone in bed. He was wearing one of Y/N's university shirts, even though he had a similar one. They had met in university, so they wore each other's university shirts, but that didn't make the fondness Y/N had whenever he saw Hajime in his clothes.

"What're you doing?" Hajime asked, sleep laced his voice.

"Reading," Y/N said, and Hajime's eyes squinted even more. Hajime shook his head slightly as he went over and sat in Y/N's lap. Y/N adjusted his arms for Hajime to sit more comfortably. Soon enough, Hajime's face was tucked into the crook of Y/N's neck. "You comfortable?"

Hajime simply hummed in response as he grabbed at the fabric of Y/N's white shirt to stabilize himself. Y/N wrapped an arm around Hajime's shoulders and played with Hajime's hair as he went back to reading the news. Soft snores came from Hajime a couple minutes later.

Y/N loved when his and Hajime's schedules lined up.

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