I could've saved them

16 3 1

Over Text

August 15th: 6:47pm

Steven & Mina

Mina: Hey

Mina: Can I talk to you for a bit

Mina: Hello?

Mina: Steven?

Steven: Hey sorry, I was on the phone

Mina: It's okay, but look at channel 24

Mina: The one I recorded for you

Steven: Okay

Mina: I'ma call you, hang on

Over phone

Steven & Mina

Steven: Okay, what am I looking for?

Mina: Go 25 minutes in

Steven: O..kay

Mina: Let me know when

Steven: There, what am I looking for

Mina: Sheldon's story

Steven: What about his story

Mina: It's gone, they haven't brought it up

Steven: Okay, and?

Mina: They should've talked about it by now

Steven: Mina, come on. They do this all the time. They are probably too focused on the riot downtown. Than the death of a teenager


Steven: Woah. Easy, Mina. It's just me

Mina: I know I'm sorry. It's just late and I am tired and I have been watching the news like a hawk

Steven: Then get some sleep

Mina: I can't, not yet

Steven: Mina, there are 5 minutes left, they aren't bringing it up today. So just go to bed. And I'll call you in the morning

Mina: Okay I will

Steven: Promise?

Mina: Yes

Steven: Cause I don't wanna wake up to 70 missed calls from you

Mina: I promise

Steven: Okay, now go to bed

Mina: Yeah, yeah

Steven: Goodnight

Mina: Goodnight

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