Opening up and dealing with it

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*Two Days Later*

September 6th


*KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*. "Hang on, don't break my door" Sheldon said from inside his house, *opens door* "Why am I not surprised" Sheldon smirked "Cause you know what you did" Steven stated "What?" Sheldon worried "Don't what me. You know what you did" Steven repeated "Steven I honestly don't know what you are talking about" Sheldon admitted  "Mina.. Mina left Sheldon. She doesn't fell safe with you around, she broke up with me. Wait, why and I telling you, you don't care" Steven realized "No I do, I may have been a jerk but I still care" Sheldon explained "Here, come in. My parents aren't home" Sheldon invited "Uh, thanks I guess" Steven said stepping in, "Sure, do you need anything. Water, snacks?" Sheldon asked "No, no. I'm okay. Thanks" Steven replied  "This place is just how it used to be" Steven noted "Yep, the only thing that has changed is my dad's room. It's my office now, since my dad moved away" Sheldon explained "Well, you can come sit down and we can talk" Sheldon noted walking to the living room. Steven sat down and explained everything that happened. "Oh, wow. Well, do you have the ring?" Sheldon asked "Yeah and it's the one you picked" Steven said pulling out the box with the ring and necklace. Sheldon gave the boxes back even though Steven expected him to take them. "Sheldon?" Steven asked "Yeah?" He replied "Why do you care all of the sudden?" Steven asked "I just want to fix what I did" Sheldon admitted "Oh, sorry that's the phone. I'll be right back" Sheldon said standing up and going to the kitchen. "Do I believe him or wait?" Steven asked himself. Sheldon came back and Steven was on his phone trying to get a hold of his mom. 

*After Steven got back home*


"Mom, I'm home!" He yelled "ALEX!" Chris yelled "CHRIS! WHAT! WHAT'S WRONG" Steven yelled (Steven is his middle name. And Chris only calls him Alex when something is wrong). Steven ran upstairs and saw his mom sitting on his bed having a panic attack, "Mom! Mom, what's wrong" Steven worried "Can't- Breathe" Dakota gasped "Chris go get some water and mom lay down" Steven instructed. Chris ran downstairs and grabbed a water bottle and ran back upstairs hella fast. "Here" Chris said handing him the bottle, Steven took the bottle and pored it on his mom's head to cool her down and she calmed down a bit after that. "In.... and out.. Good. Keeping doing that, in through your nose and out through your mouth" Steven instructed. Chris keep an eye on her I have to make a call. Steven walked downstairs and grabbed his phone off the couch and called his dad to come pick his mom up and bring her back home. For the past few days that his mom was visiting with his brother she had two panic attacks.

*20 minutes later*


"Hi dad" Steven said opening the door, "Hi Steven" He replied "Oh, honey you didn't have to get your father" Dakota pointed out, "Yes I did, you have to go back home and you can't drive in your condition. Dad will drive you and Chris.. you drive mom's car back" Steven explained "Okay" Chris replied. Steven helped his mom to the car and once they left Steven just relaxed.

A few hours after his mom left he heard someone knock on the door, "COMIN!" He yelled, he opened it. And who he saw made him happy and sad at the same time, "Hi Steven" She said "Mina?"

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